Index of Persons

Garnon W. STEELE -- to -- Luthera STETSON
Mary Lucy STETSON -- to -- Mary L. STEVENSON
Parthenia Jane STEVENSON -- to -- Ella M. STILLINGER
Lucy STILLMAN -- to -- Betty Jean STOCKTON
Elves Lee. STOCKTON -- to -- Gregory Michael STONE
Hazel STONE -- to -- Leslie Charles STONECYPHER
Ezri Daniel STONER -- to -- Justin STOWELL
Kevin STOWELL -- to -- Sebastion STREETER
Sylvestor STREETER -- to -- Rachel STUMP
Dorothy STURGEON -- to -- Minnie Evelyn SULLIVAN
Nelson SULLIVAN -- to -- Lilias SUTHERLAND
Lyman Meadows SUTHERLAND -- to -- George SWANK
Dorothy SWANSON -- to -- Georgia A. SWEET
J.G. SWEET -- to -- Harvey Leroy SYLVIA
Margaret 'Maggie' SYLVIA -- to -- James Fred 'Freddie' TALLEY
Madison TALLEY -- to -- W. Douglas TAUCHERT
Helen Mae TAYER -- to -- Judith Marie TAYLOR
Kaye R. TAYLOR -- to -- Preston Kaye TAYLOR
Robert Leo TAYLOR -- to -- Harold Lemond TEETS
Harrison 'Harry' TEETS -- to -- Kristine Audra TEISINGER
Steven Merle TEISINGER -- to -- Jonathan TERRY
Nathan TERRY -- to -- Stephan Galusha THAYER
Ardele THERIEAU -- to -- John W. THOMAS
Joshua Teleschack THOMAS -- to -- Alexander THOMPSON
Alice Jane THOMPSON -- to -- Harriet Lilly 'Hattie' THOMPSON
James C THOMPSON -- to -- Sarah Amanda THOMPSON
Sharon R THOMPSON -- to -- Thomas THORNE

UP (Augustus Dodge EVERETT - Otto R. ZURBUCHEN )
BACK (Edward SIMONDS - Francis C. STEELE )
NEXT (Thomas THORNE - Laura May UNKNOWN )



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