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George H. Dodge
from Past and Present of Clinton County, Michigan 1906 - Page 365

George H. Dodge, who in a well spent life has commanded the respect and confidence of those with whom he has been associated and has also won a gratifying measure of success, was born in Massachusetts, on the 7th of January, 1834, his parents being Harvey and Lucretia (Barton) Dodge, who were likewise natives of the old Bay state.

Paul Dodge, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Dudley, Massachusetts, in 1774, and was married to Rhoda White, of Charlton, that state. Their children were: Barney; Harvey, the father of our subject; and Lucy, who became the wife of Curtis Phillips.

In the year 1856 Harvey Dodge and his family came from New England to Michigan settling on the northwest corner of section 24, Ovid township, where Mr. Dodge became the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of wild and unimproved land. With characteristic energy, however, he began the development of his farm, upon which he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1873, when he was seventy-three years of age. His wife passed away in 1858 at the age of fifty-eight years. In their family were five children: Lewis, deceased; Sallie; Mary; Eliza, the widow of William Barton of Ovid; and George, of this review. In the maternal line Mr. Dodge is also of English lineage for the Bartons were from England and Joseph Barton, the maternal grandfather lived in Charlton, Massachusetts.

George H. dodge acquired only a limited education and at the age of twelve years began working in a cotton factory, where he remained for a year. When a youth of thirteen he had the opportunity of attending school for four months and later he worked upon a farm, while subsequently he spent some time at farming on his father's place. He was employed in a sash and blind factory and at the shoemaker's trade but believing that he might have better business opportunities in the middle west he came to Michigan in 1856, settling in Ovid. His father entered one hundred and sixty acres of land from the government whereon Mr. Dodge now resides. In 1858 the latter returned to Massachusetts but in 1867 again came to Michigan and has since lived upon the old farm. It was wild and wooded and George H. Dodge has cleared sixty acres of this place, while his father cleared sixty acres of this place, while his father cleared the remainder. He has erected all of the buildings upon the farm and has today a model and valuable property equipped with all the accessories and conveniences known to a model farm of the twentieth century.

In 1856 Mr. Dodge was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Dodge, a daughter of Jennison Dodge, of Dudley, Massachusetts. She died in the year 1862 and Mr. Dodge was again married on the 8th of December, 1870, his second union being with Sarah A. Briggs, a daughter of William and Marie (Thomas) Briggs, of Yates County, New York, who came to Michigan, settling in Victor Township in 1869. Her father died December 28, 1904, at the venerable age of eighty-five years, while his wife passed away September 22, 1894, at the age of seventy-one years. In their family were nine children, of whom four are yet living, Mrs Dodge being the eldest while the others are: William, a resident of Traverse City, Michigan; James, who is living in Ovid; and George, also of Ovid.

Mr. Dodge exercises his right of franchise in support of men and measures of the republican party but has never desired or sought office although he served for one term as deputy sheriff. He is a man reliable in business and public life, and is regarded as one of the leading citizens of his community. He has borne his full share in the work of making this region one of the productive centers of the state and as an agriculturist has won a gratifying measure of prosperity.

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