The Dodge Family Association

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Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
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TRISTRAM 2008 TWO VOLUME SET ERRATA is now available for you to down load. No matter how careful we are about Dodges and their ancestry/lineage, new information can always pop up that tells us we have an error. Click Here to download this PDF file. If you have purchased the two volume set that was published in 2008, you will need this to update your books. If you have genealogy corrections or new information on your Dodge lineage, please contact Norman Dodge with that information.
The latest Dodge Family Membership Roster
Dodge Family Journals from 1997 through the present
The corrigenda for the 1998 update genealogy and history by Robert Livingston Dodge
One of our members has typed everything that is in the Joseph Thompson Dodge genealogy, Volumes 1 and 2, and it can now be seen here in pdf format. These pdf files are searchable. Volume 1       Volume 2       Exceptions
A large Coat of Arms in color which can be downloaded and printed
View a bit of Colorado - photos
John and Tristram Branch genealogy files
We try to be as correct as possible before uploading genealogy files to this page. Some people, who evidently become members just to access these data bases, then post that data on places such as rootsweb, and other genealogy sites. We are asking our members, who are the only people who can access this area of our website, to please NOT post the information publically. When we come across errors we correct them, but other sites do not do that. The result is that there is much erroneous data on the internet regarding the lines of John and Tristram.

John Branch:
John Dodge of Somerset, England, had two sons who immigrated to New England in the early 1600's. The majority of Dodges in America are connected to this branch. There are now well almost 46,000 names in this data base. If you would like to add to this data base, please contact Norman Dodge with your information. Be sure to include biographical information if you have it.
Tristram Branch:
This is the second largest group of Dodges in America. We now have almost 22,000 names in this data base. We hope to have the new Tristram Genealogy book in print before the end of 2006. If your line is here, please go through it very carefully and let us know of any corrections we need to make, and/or any biographical information or other descendants that need to be added to your line. Contact Norman Dodge.
Caution:  This data is preliminary and is known to have numerous errors.  Feel free to browse, but you MUST Confirm any information by checking the sources whenever possible. Sources include census, books, birth, death, and marriage certificates, family Bibles, etc.

Home | Archive News | Association | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Dodge Publishing | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Links | Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Dodge Journals | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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Copyright 1997 - 2010