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Walter Lloyd Dodge family
We started with two photos of Gerald as a baby.  No one knew who he was in the Dodge Scheme of things.  Several years went by. We even put his photo in one of our Dodge Journals to no avail.  Then one day one of our volunteer genealogists made a concentrated effort to try to solve this mystery, and solve it she did! Here is the obit that started her off on the right road. She was able to contact a living family member and the result of that phone call, are the photos on this page. This is a Tristram Dodge line. Click on the thumbnails to view photos in a larger format.

These photos are what we received orignally. They only had the name of the child, and the fact that they were found with a group of photos belonging to a midwife in New York. In the photo on the left, Gerald is about 4 months old and about 16 months in the photo on the right
On the left, we have Gerald Albright Dodge abt. 1926.  He would have been 12 years. Two years later, he contracted mumps and this caused him to become disabled with Meningitis.  He was cared for by his parents until his death in 1943 at the age of 29 yrs.

On the right is his Dodge grandfather, McKendree Nathanial Dodge. He fought in the Civil War.

On the left is the father of Gerald, Walter Lloyd Dodge, when he himself was a child.  You can see the resemblance. Walter has very distinctive eyes.  He is holding Harold McKendree Dodge, who was his half-brother. Walter's mother, Mary Reed Dodge, died in 1891 and his father, McKendree Nathaniel Dodge, remarried to his past wife?s niece, Minnie M. Reed. in 1892. This baby, Harold, was born to them on 26 December 1896. Harold married Ruth Elizabeth McCready and they had one daughter, now desceased. Harold was the secretary-treasurer of the Howe Scale Company in Rutland, Vermont. Harold died on 1 May 1961 in Rutland. Ruth died in 1975.

On the right is the wedding picture of  Walter with his new wife, Laura Florence Albright. They were married July 31, 1909.
On the left is Walter Lloyd Dodge and Laura Florence in 1966.

On the right is Gerald and his family in 1927. This would be one year before he contracted the mumps and thus his debilitating illness.

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