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Dr. Sidney W. Dodge
A descendant of Richard Dodge
Transcribed by Coralynn Brown

Dr. Sidney W. Dodge, son of Levi R. Dodge, was born at Massena, N.Y. March 9, 1845. He attended the public schools and worked on his father's farm during his boyhood. He attended school at Lawrenceville, Malone and Potsdam, and taught school in various places in the vicinity. He began to study medicine under Dr. W. p. Gordon, of Old Ripley, Illinois. After a year he entered the medical school of the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Michigan. He continued his course, however, at the University of Vermont, and finally graduated there in 1875, with the degree of M.D. He began to practice at Bloomingdale, New York. After three years in that town he went to Black Brook, Clinton county, and practiced for two years. Then for ten years he was in general practice at Franklin Falls, N.Y.

Since 1890 he has been esablished at Massena, N.Y., and enjoys a large and successful practice. He is a member of the St. Lawrence County Medical Society, the Northern New York Medical Society, the New York State Medical Society, and the American Medical Association. He was United States examining surgeon at Bloomingdale for fourteen years. In politics he is a Republican, and for five years was town clerk of Franklin, N.Y. He was also health officer of the Dodge and Smith Plumbing and Heating Company, of Massena. He is a member of Massena Lodge, No. 566, Good Templars; of Massena Grange, No. 704, Patrons of Husbandry; of Massena Court, No. 693, Independent Order of Foresters, of which he is court deputy, physician and chief ranger; member also of Gordon Lodge, No. 473, Free and Accepted Masons, of Illinois. formerly and now of Massena Lodge; of Massena Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of which he is high priest; of St. Lawrence Commandery, Knights Templar, of Canton; of Karnak Temple, Mystic Shrine, of Montreal, Canada; of Massena Lodge, No. 882, Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

He married, July 28, 1875, B. Narina, daughter of Hiram and Martha (Rice) Fish, of Massena. Children:
1. Leon H., born at Bloomingdale, July 15, 1876, died Dec. 10, 1903. 2. Mark F., Jan. 20, 1878, died April 26, 1906; married Gladys Wilson. 3. Sidney W., Jan. 11, 1885; died Sept. 23, 1903. 4. Martha L., Sept. 17, 1890, died Dec. 1, 1890. 5. Ruth Lucinda, Sept. 8, 1893.

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