Barbara Dodge (wife of a descendant of William Dodge of Salem, Massachusetts), lives in Lakewood, Colorado. She takes care of the office, authors The View From My Window in the Dodge Family Journal, cares for the Dodge Family web site, and various and sundry other tasks. |
Calvin Dodge, a descendant of William Dodge of Salem, Massachusetts, lives in Tucson, Arizona and is the person responsible for keeping the computers and our in office web server, all of which which reside at Barbara's house, up and running. Yes, he is Barbara's son. |
Chuck Dodge, a descendant of Richard Dodge of Salem, Massachusetts, has been and continues to be extremely helpful in solving several of our Dodge mysteries. |
Jim Bailey, a Tristram Dodge descendant, lives in Providence, R.I. and does research on Dodges from that area. He has helped tremendously in the research of Seril and Nehemiah Dodge - the Dodges that founded the Costume Jewelry industry in this country.Jim and Norman Dodge, our president, were responsible for our almost brand new TRISTRAM 2 VOLUME Genealogy which was published in December of 2008. They worked many long hours over a couple of years to produce this and make is as correct as possible. It was the first Tristram Genealogy published in over 100 years and there are literally thousands more names of Tristram Descendents than were in the Theron Royal Woodward Genealogy. Jim is on our Dodge Family Association Board of Directors. |
Judy Ragan, a descendant of William Dodge of Salem, Massachusetts, lives in Simi Valley,California and was involved
in transferring the information in Volume Two of the Joseph Thompson Dodge Genealogy into Family Tree Maker. She helps with proofreading our Journal which comes out every 2 months. |
Norman Duane Dodge is in charge of downloading the DNA data from familytreedna.com and making our DNA charts. Norman is a descendant of Tristram Dodge.
Stephen Allen Dodge lives in Linden, New Jersey and is a descendant of Tristram Dodge. He, along with Dawn Crowley, another Tristram descendant, has done much work in documenting the Dodges who rest in Greenwood Cemetery, New York. . |
Timothy J. Abel , a Tristram Dodge descendant, lives in New York and researches Dodges in his spare time. He focuses on New York and some of Connecticut. He typed up the Dodges from the Barber Collection and that is on our web site. |
Dawn Crowley of Port Jefferson, NY is a Tristram descendant. She is the first person who let us know about Greenwood Cemetery in New York, and sent us our first photos from there. She also typed in the entire text of the Tristram Genealogy by Theron Royal Woodward, published in 1904. That book is out of print and we have sold out last copies of the reprint. We have her work on a CD along with all photos, maps, etc. that were in that book. The CD is for sale. |
Robert Dodge, a descendant of William Dodge of Salem, Massachusetts, Robert, one of our three founders, lived in San Diego, California. He died in 2012 |
Dan Driscoll , a descendant of Richard Dodge of Salem, Massachusetts, lives in Beverly, Massachusetts and is always ready to lend a hand in looking up information on Dodges who resided in that state. He has provided us with much information from vital records and can always be counted on to help with any project. |