Stephen Dodge, was b.about 1748 in Oyster
Bay, New York. He married Blanche Shadwin
February 17, 1771.
New York in the Revolution, p. 49, says that he was in Col. James Holmes
regiment, N.Y. Line, 4th Regiment, Capt.
James Rosekraus Company. Service Aug. 3 to
Oct. 17, 1775. (These troops were regiments
in the United States service under General
On page 145: Stephen Dodge was a soldier
in the Dutchess County Militia, 6th Regt.,
Col. Morris Graham. (The militia could not
be called out of the state for more than
three months. At the beginning of the war
they volunteered, but later they were called
out by the Convention)
In the Tristram Genealogy by Theron Royal
Woodward, pg. 103, top of page, it says that
in New York in the Revolution p. 83, more military service regarding Stephen
may be for another Stephen. However,
it seems
now, almost 100 years later,
that this may
very well be the same Stephen.
However, Theron R. Woodward says: "It
seems probable that two of this name served
in the Revolutionary War, and which of them
suffered confiscation may not be certain,
but all authorities seem to agree that Stephen
Dodge, son of Tristram, emigrated Oct., 1783
with wife and five children, to Nova Scotia
and settled there pursuant to conditions
of treaty of peace. Judge Savary, in his
History of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, calls him a "worthy Loyalist,"
and says that he settled first at Granville
but afterwards in Wilmot, where he obtained
a grant to the rear of the river grants,
north of Middleton West. In a list or "muster
roll" of discharged officers and disbanded
soldiers and Loyalists taken in the County
of Annapolis in June, 1784, the name of Stephen
Dodge appears, "1 man, 1 woman, 3 children
over 10, 3 children under 10, eight in all."
New York in the Revolution p. 83; Stephen Dodge was in Col. Albert
Pawling's Regiment of The Levies. Service
in 1781. (These troops were drafts from the
different militia regiments and sometimes
from the people direct as well.)
After the above service in the
Army, it seems that Stephen Dodge
his mind on the prospect of the
results of
as to the merits of the war.
Page 254 (Supplement): The Commissioners
of Sequestration of New York
reported, July,
1781, that the property of Stephen
had been sold.
Page 270 (Supplement): The Commissioners
of Forfeitures of New York listed the estate
of Stephen Dodge among those forfeited. These
commissioners sold the real estate of Tories
or others who had either gone over to the
enemy or were suspected of not being friendly
to the American cause. They did not begin
work until late in the war, and were more
systematic in their accounts than the Committee
of Sequestration, who dealt for the most
part with personal property. Samuel Dodge
was a commissioner for the counties of Dutchess,
Orange, and Ulster, and as such he probably
sold the estate of his kinsman, Stephen Dodge.
The comptroller of the state
of New York
writes as follows concerning
the confiscation
of the estate of Stephen Dodge:
"The name of Stephen Dodge mentioned
in New York in the Revolution (Supplement)among those whose estates were
forfeited and confiscated, appears on the
original documents as follows:
"List of farms and houses
sold by the
Commissioners of Sequestration
in Dutchess
County states the the house and
small lot
of Stephen Dodge of Charlotte
was sold to
Gilbert Worden May, 1779, and
that in March,
1780, he paid eight pounds.
"Alphabetical list of forfeited estates
contains the name of Stephen Dodge. Name
also appears on a list of Forfeitures. No
additional information.
"On a statement of sales of forfeited
estates sold by the Commissioners of Forfeitures
in the Middle District there appears the
name of Stephen Dodge, opposite which is
set the amount, one hundred and thirty pounds.