The Cemetery Gate
Close up view of the gate and various views of the cemetery
1. In Memory of Mrs. Molly Dodge, daug. Of Mr. Caleb and Mrs. Hannah Dodge, who died Oct. 25, 1773, in the 13th year of her age.
2. In Memory of Mrs. Janna Dodge, Wife to Mr. Israel Dodge, who departed this life Oct. 2, 1764 in the 20th year of her age.
3. Capt. John Dodge (looks like a footstone)
4. Here lies the body of Deac. Joshuah Dodge who departed this life Dec. 20th, 1772 in the 77 year of his age
1. Here lies the body of Mrs. Hannah Dodge, Relict of Deacon Joshua Dodge, who departed this life May 3, 1783, aged 84 years.
2. Closeup of stone to the left
3. Jonathan Dodge (could be a footstone or broken stone)
4. Capt. Caleb Dodge (might be footstone)
1. Mrs. Hannah Dodge (might be footstone)
2. Mrs. Hannah Dodge. This is undoubtedly the wife of Capt. Caleb. See next set of photos for information about her.
3. Capt. Caleb
4. In Memory of Capt. Caleb Dodge who departed this life March 6th 1798 in the 84th year of his age. Capt. Caleb was a grandson of 'Farmer' William Dodge who came to the area from England in 1629.
1.In memory of Mrs. Hannah Dodge, wife of Capt. Caleb Dodge, who departed this life Sept. 27th, 1795 in the 80th year of her age. Hannah was Hannah Woodbury the daughter of Samuel Woodbury and Hanna Dodge. Hannah Dodge was a descendent of 'Farmer' William Dodge who came to the area from England in 1629. Capt. Caleb was a grandson of this same William.
2. Here............Mr. Isaa (Broken Stone). This broken stone was for Isaac Dodge, a son of Robert Dodge and Lydia Woodbury. He married Lois Herrick. He was born June 12, 1710 and died Oct. 16, 1769.
3. Dodge (Goes with stone at left)
4. 1769.........Aged 60 (goes with stone at left)
1. Here lies buried the body of Mr. Robert Dodge who died January 1, 1764 in the 78th year of his age. Robert was the son of William Dodge, Jr, and Joanna Hale. He was the grandson of 'Farmer' William Dodge who came to the area from England in 1629.
2. Mr. Robert Dodge (footstone)
3. Mrs. Molly Dodge (footstone)
4. Here lyes Lydia, the wife of Mr. Robert Dodge, who died April 6, 1759, in the 68th year of her age. Lydia was Lydia Woodbury, the daughter of Isaac Woodbury and Elizabeth Herrick.
The transcription on Elizabeth's stone reads: Here lyes ye Body of
Mrs Elizabeth Dodge, Wife of Capt. John Dodge who died Jan 6, 1725
in Ye 91st year of her Age.
The transcription on Jonathan's stone has been worn away by the weather.