The Dodge Family Association

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Center Cemetery, Chesterfield, Massachusetts

1. Hoyt Elijah Dodge and Bessie Barker (his wife); Arthur Merriett, Jr. (1st husband of Harriet Dodge, dau of Hoyt Elijah); Harriet Dodge Merriett Sena (she married 2nd Joseph W, Sena); This family is in our Mystery File

2. Ernest L. Dodge (Ernest Lewis Dodge) He is the son of Henry Lewis Dodge and Mary E. Burton and a descendant of Tristram; Ethel B. Rhoades (Ethel Bisbee Rhoades) wife of Ernest L. Dodge

3.Lura Dodge Daniels (dau of Henry Lewis Dodge). Lura married Ernest E. Daniels

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Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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