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Groton Cemetery, Groton, Massachusetts
Photographs by Martha Altemus
The people in this cemetery in Groton, are part of the family of Samuel Dodge and his wife, Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth. They descend from Richard Dodge. Samuel and Mary had 11 children: Levi, Daniel, Sarah, George, Luther, Wilder, Jonas, Ira, Charles, Franklin and Silas.

On the left is an old stone for Samuel. b. in Ipswich Mar. 26, 1766 and died in Groton, Sept. 4, 1838. He has a Revolutionary War marker. If he served in that war, he would have been very young...not uncommon at that time. The date is not legible on the stone. Thestones on this page are part of one large family
The name is not legible on the stone to the right, but this would be the wife of Samuel who was Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth, born in Groton, May 9, 1768 and died Nov. 30, 1840
1. Jonas, born Groton Feb. 26, 1803 and died Jan. 11, 1847, was a son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth and this stone is in the group with those of his parents (photo to above)

2. Ira Dodge, son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth, was b. May 22, 1805, d. Dec. 31, 1869. Sarah Fitch Dodge, his wife, b. Sept. 22, 1812, d. Oct. 29. 1896; Footstones: Mother, Father, Sarah and Lucy

3. On the back of the monument is written, Sarah Dodge Barr, 1847-1916; Lucy Ann Dodge, 1852-1939

4.Luther Dodge, son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth. 1799-1881. Luther married Ann Andrews, but we have no record of any children being born to them.

4. and 5.
Side 1: Levi Dodge died Mar. 3, 1860 age 69 and Susanna A. Wooley. Wife of Levi Dodge died Apr. 22, 1873 age 72 years 6 months
Side 2: Catherine Dodge 1835-1900. Catherine was the daughter of Levi's brother, Charles. See first photo in next row.
Side 3: Charles E. Dodge Jan. 3, 1825-Nov. 9, 1905 (undoubtedly their son Charles)
Side 4: "Lost on Lake Erie by the sinking of the steamer Atlantic Aug. 20, 1852 Eliza A. Dodge age 30, Mary J. Smith age 29 daughter of Levi and Susannah Dodge. Also by the same calamity George W. son of Milo and Mary Smith age 11 months"
There appears to be a missing stone beside that of Charles Edward of Shirley 1825-1905, probably that of his wife Emma J.
1. Charles Edward Dodge, was the son of Levi Dodge and Susanna Woolley Dodge. His dates are: 1825-1905. Catherine Dodge was one of their children. She was b.1835 and d. 1900.

2,3. The footstones: SAD(2) and LD(3) are presumed to be the same grouping.

4. Charles Dodge, son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth, and his wife, Betsey F. Kemp. These are tall marble stones covered with moss. Dates are not legible but we know that Charles was b. 1807 and d. 1859 and Betsey was b. 1813 and d. 1880

5. Charles L. (Luther) Dodge was the son of Charles Dodge and Betsey Kemp. He was b. 1839 and d. 1905. Georgianna Priest, his wife, was b. 1848 and d. 1918.

6.The back of the stone reads: Their children, Charles F. Dodge, 1873-1936; Alice J. Dodge, 1875-1936. There is a small marble stone beside this stone which is not legible. My mother's notes indicate that this is the stone for "Frankie" who died Oct. 30, 1869, age 7 years.

1 .Silas p. Dodge, son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth. 1812-1895.

2. Catherine p. Kendall, wife of Silas p. Dodge, Mar. 31, 1890.

3. Edwin p. Dodge, son of Silas and Catherine, has a GAR marker on his grave. This stands for Great Army of the Republic (Civil War)

4. Stuart Park Dodge, son of Silas p. Dodge and Catherine Park Kendall, died Jan. 16, 1912, AE 65 years. His wife, Sarah J. Dodge, died Apr. 6, 1932, age 81 years. Emroy p. Dodge, Their son, died Feb. 19, 1885 AE 9 years. Emroy has a separate stone.

5. This is the smaller stone for Emroy. He died Feb. 13, 1885 at the age of 9 yrs and this is engraved on the stone to the left. He was a son of Stuart and Sarah

6. Franklin Dodge, M.D., son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth. , died July 9, 1872, 62 years. Susan Fitch, wife of Franklin Dodge, died May 11, 1891, age 75 years.
1. Second side of stone for Franklin Dodge: Susan G. Brooks, daughter of Franklin and Susan Dodge, 1843-1903

2. Third side: Georgianna, daughter of Franklin Dodge and wife of Louis Smith, died Nov. 7, 1878, age 87 years. and her husband, Louis F. Smith.

3. Louis F. Smith 1839-1919; Annie p. Dutton, daughter of Louis and Georgianna Smith, 1870-192?.

4. Smaller stone with the name Louis Smith.

5,6. These are the smaller stone for Annie and Susan. There are also footstones for Annie and Susan.
1. George p. Dodge, son of Samuel Dodge and Mary 'Polly' Farnsworth, died Apr. 28, 1864, age 67 years, 7 months. His wife, Anna p. Dodge ,died Nov. 4, 1888, age 87 years (stones are dark and hard to read) There are five small stones in a row. These seem to be part of a group that also contains the stones for George and Anna. If so they may be their children. These stones were lying in the ground for several years. Martha had them reset a few years back, but they were never cleaned up. Lichen grows well in these parts.

2. Franklin
3. Susan
4. Montgomery,.
6. Georgiana
The following stones are in another part of the cemetery
1. Solon R. (Ringe) Dodge, Sept. 2, 1848 - Feb 21, 1923; Minnie B. Dodge, Apr. 13, 1872 - May 29, 1956. Raymond W. Dodge, Jan 19, 1893 - Sept. 24, 1899.

2. Another stone for Rayond inscribed: "Left us, yes, forevermore, But we hope to meet and love once more on that bright and happy shore"

3. This stone is in yet another part of this cemetery and is for my parents. Leonard Kemp Dodge, Apr. 25, 1900 - July 8, 1995. Fern Upton Dodge, Sept. 12, 1898 - Sept. 16, 1984

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