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Amherst Old Town Cemetery: Samuel Dodge, Sept. 27, 1785 42nd year of age Annar Dodge, April 1, 1785 64 years Rachel, Wife of Samuel Jr., July 23, 1785, 23 years of age Bartholomew Dodge & Mary (no separate stone for Mary) Nov. 15, 1824, age 78 Names listed below are Allen, Frances, Harriet, Allen Meadow View Cemetery: Henry Calvin Dodge, 1844-1902 Abby Frances Boylston, 1845-1913 Bartholomew Dodge, d. Oct. 7, 1838, about age 53 Mary (Polly) Fiske Dodge, Oct. 15,1857, 73 years 7 mo. . David Dodge, died Apr. 17, 1829, age 19 Frances Dodge, wife of James Smith, Mar. 12, 1857 40 years 9 mo. John H. Dodge 1854-1925 Viola R. Dodge, his wife, 1857-1922 Marion L. Dodge, 1892-1954 William Dinsmore Clark, Nov. 20, 1860-June 3, 1922 Parents: William R. Clark, Nov. 5, 1834-June 11, 1916 Ruth M., Nov,. 10, 1834-May 12, 1916 Dau. Emma Louise Clark, Oct. 25, 1855-May 4, 1926 Fannie Laura Dodge, Sept. 29, 1867-Nov. 30, 1941 Malcom D. Clark 1894-1981 wife, Pauline M. 1898-1981 Charles Perley Dodge, 1864-1926 Delia W. Dodge 1865-1936 Perley Dodge, April 1, 1888, age 88 y 10 mo. 15 d (barely legible) wife, Harriet, Feb. 11, 1887, 81 years 9 mo. Martha Dodge, wife of John B. Whipple, July 21, 1881, age 35 Perley W. Dodge, Nov. 20, 1902, age 64 Sophia E. Phelps, Apr. 20, 1924, age 82 Charles W. Dodge, Oct. 31, 1912 wife, Lelia J. Small, Apr. 4, 1885, 35 years Maurice Whipple, son of Charles Whipple & Lelia Dodge, June 25, 1883, a yr. 10 mo., 25 d Martha B. Dodge Ladd 1882-1968 Chestnut Hill Cemetery: Hiram Dodge, Aug. 4, 1876 73 years 7 mo. Levi Dodge, Nov. 21, 1842 71 yrs. 9 mo., erected by his grandson

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