The Dodge Family Association
Asylum, Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Photograph by Sandra Berry
The Susquehanna River and it's branches border Towanda, Terry Tounwship, Asylum and Wyalusing. Below are three photos, One is of a tablet which tells how Asylum came to be settled. The other two are scenic of the area. family of Oliver Williams Dodge (Tristram Dodge line) moved hto this area from Colchester, Connecticut.
We have cemtery stones from the family of Oliver Williams Dodge
This is the memorial stone that tells about the founding of Asylum, which was a settlement of French Hugenots


On the left is a view of Susquehanne Ribert, 3 miles south of the French Azilum (Asylum), Wyalusing, Pennsylvania
The photo on the right is taken approaching the lookout tower from Towanda, Pennsylvania...Rt. 6