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Genealogy Requests
Can you solve one of these mysteries?
If so, you will receive a two year membership in the Dodge Family Association
We have many requests that have been sent in by members of our Association. Besides those on this page, there are other requests that have been sent to us. We have had very good results in solving a number of problems because of the help received from viewers of our web site. If you would like to have your request posted here, please contact us. Anyone who solves one of our mysteries will receive a years membership in the Dodge Family Association and one of our beautiful membership pins.

>DNA proves Thomas to be a descendant of Tristram and the DNA is an exazct match to the DNA from a Shubal Dodge desendant
Dodge,Abraham, Abram
Abram/Abraham is a descendent of Asahel (below) and thus a descendant of Tristram through DNA testing
Surnames other than Dodge: Yuda Lett; Schneider
Dodge First Names Included:Abraham; Abel; Amos; Amon; John; Anna; Joseph; Mary J;Ellen
Dodge, Asahel DNA testing of a descendant proves this a Tristram Dodge line, but how does it fit in? Surnames other than Dodge: Stanley,
Dodge first names included: Asahel, Hannah, Seymour, Abraham, Heman, Sarah, Samuel
Dodge, Barney Surnames other than Dodge: Mann
Dodge First Names Included: Barney, Maryann M., Henry Tyler, Lucy,John, Phila, Elizabeth, Olney, Barney J.
Dodge, Benjamin Husband of Tabitha Dodge of the Tristram line). Now, because of DNA testing of a male descendant of Benjamin and Tabitha, we know that Benjamin Dodge was also a descendant of Tristram. View Photo of their grandson Joel Palmer Dodge, and his family.
Photo of cemetery stone for Tabitha
Dodge, Daniel and Mary Sternberg
Surnames other than Dodge: Sternberg; Printup; Bundy; Karn; Rexford; Williams; Burdick; Thornton; Crittenden; Mead; Ehle; McCollum; Merrit
Dodge First Names Included: Daniel; William, John, Sarah,Adam, Mary, Lydia, Joseph, Jesse, Permilia, Jane
Dodge, Daniel R. C.
We KNOW that this is Tristram Dodge line. The explanation why will be found in the link. DNA from a descendant of Daniel is an exact match to DNA from a descendant of Thomas Dodge who married Happy Ingals. Both families are mysteries and we cannot connect them to each other without further information which we have been unable to find so far.
DODGE, DAVID : 1850-1880 Census-Summerhill, Crawford Counry, PA: Born Holland, Erie County, NY. Erie County was Niagra Count6y untl 1821.He married Margaret Mahalia Nichols 18 Nov 1834, Conneautville, Crawford Co.,PAD CO., PA. Her parents were William Nichols and Mary "Polly" Gleason Surnames other than Dodge: Nicholas/Nichols; Paden
Dodge, David E. and Maria Cole
. DNA testing of a descendant proves this a Tristram Dodge line, but how does it fit in?

Dodge, E. Lewis/Louis
SOLVED This is a Richard Dodge line.

Surnames other than Dodge: Perkins, Floyd, Douglas
A probable Surname as a middle name: Spotwood
Dodge First Names Included: E. Lewis/Louis, Egbert?, Diadema
Dodge, Edward E. Surnames other than Dodge: Lewis, Hart, Nash, Malone
Dodge First Names Included: Edward,Jennie, May, Maud(Ella) Sugar (Dee), Lula, Edward, Eugene, Kate, Essie Lee
Dodge, Frank Brickett This has been solved. Frank belongs to the John Branch through Richard Dodge, brother of William Dodge.
Dodge, Henry/ ThomasJefferson/Sherman Tecumseh
SOLVED This is a Tristram Dodge line.

Surnames (other than Dodge) included: Jolly, Atwater, Pence Dodge First Names Included: Henry, Thomas, Laura, Leola, Cora, Sherman Tecumseh, Daisey, Gertrude, Jefferson, Burton, Charles, Julian, Howard
Dodge, Ireneus BruceDNA testing proved this to be a John Branch Dodge line and now it is SOLVED! and resides in our John Branch data base
View a photograph of an English Lord - on the back it says that he is a distant cousin of Earl Lawrence Dodge who was a descendent of Ireneus.
Surnames (other than Dodge) included:Worden, Ruddock, Crothers(Caruthers), Wood, Pierce, Palmer, McMurray
Dodge First Names Included: John Richardson Dodge, Peter Ingerfield Dodge, Ireneus Bruce, Eusebius, Charles Edson, Arminda Matilda, Lour Charles,Vaughn Aaron, Edith Frances, Mary, Will, Carrie, Anna, Frank, Cebe
Dodge, Ira
SOLVED This is a Tristram Dodge line.
Dodge First Names Included: Ira; Sarah Slate
Dodge, Israel Tremaine
SOLVED - This is a Tristram Dodge line
Surnames other than Dodge: Walker; Tehan
Dodge First Names Included: Israel, Rufus Ogden, Raymond Edwin
Dodge, Iverson and his wife, Annis Shores. This is a mystery Dodge line
Dodge, John Surnames other than Dodge: Ives, Cotton, Shazer, Packwood, Marcy, Poseus, Caples Tombstone of Thadeus Ives Dodge
Dodge, Kate Hannah - William Wallace Glasspoole Surnames other than Dodge: Glasspoole
Dodge, Luther Palmer
SOLVED A descendent of Benjamin and Tabitha in the Tristram Dodge line
Surnames other than Dodge: Stoakes; Shaw; Sauer; Topham
Dodge First Names Included: Luther, Joseph, Benton, Clayton, Auriel, George W., Mary V., Christina, Samantha, Willie, Curtis,
Dodge, Newland (or Newell?) and Mahalla Jane Smith family. Dodge first names include, Amanda Jane, Lavina Ann, Sabrah, Minerva, Francis Marion, Sarah G. Elizabeth .
Sunames include, Best, Green, Hammel
Dodge, Obed Dodge (Obediah)
Through dna testing we now know that this Dodge line is from Tristram
1810-1840 Surnames (other than Dodge) included: Lipscomb, Sage, Thompson
Dodge First Names Included: William Wallace, Lewis, Betsy, Charles, Mary, Algena, Morgan, Anna, Madison, Mary Elizabeth, Edwin Lewis, Charles Albert, Albert Morgan, Benny, Caroline Anna, Olive Luella
Dodge, Ralph Emerson
SOLVED - A descendent of Tristram Dodge.
Surnames (other than Dodge) included: Solomon
Dodge, Richard
Through dna testing we now know that this Dodge line is from Tristram
Surnames other than Dodge included: Adams, Collins, Wallace, Cullen, Davis, Lanier, Mathias, Cline, Buckanan, Osborn, Voss, Young, Bass, Jones, Barnes, Ray, Hall, Dunn, Wright
Dodge first names included: Richard, wife Hannah, SarahElizabeth, John, Hezekiah, Josiah (or Joseph) Curry, Jeremiah, Azariah,Mary, Minerva, Emily Taylor, Julia Ann, Mary (Polly), MIssaniah, Elizabeth, Elijah (E.W.), Samuel (Sam R.)
Dodge, Selwin A.
Hero of the Lyon's Club Program, Dogs for the Blind
Surnames other than Dodge: Ardiel.
Dodge names: Selwin A., Edgar
Dodge, Shubal
Through dna testing we now know that this Dodge line is from Tristram and the DNA from Shubal Descendant is an exazct match to the DNA from Thomas Dodge who married Happy Ingalls
Surnames other than Dodge included: Willson, Bush, Sheets
Dodge first names included: Shubal, Elizabeth, Jeremiah, John Hanson, Eli, William M.
Dodge, Solomon P.
Surnames other than Dodge included: Barter
Dodge first names included: Solomon, Mahala, Eliza, Mary, Sarah, Carrie, Elmer, Everett, Loula, Lillian, Flora
Dodge, Theodore Thorton b. c. 1816 (This may be Theodore Dodge Thornton- there is confusion over his name)
Dodge, Thomas b. c. 1792 Surnames other than Dodge included: Chatsey, Ingalls, Moore, Graves, Cox, Peabody, Stowell
Dodge first names included: Thomas, Louisa, William, Daniel, Charlotte, Sarah, Albert, Hannah, Cyrus Dayton: DNA proves Thomas to be a descendant of Tristram and the DNA is an exazct match to the DNA from a Shubal Dodge desendant.
Dodge, Walter
Through dna testing we now know that this Dodge line is from Tristram
Surnames other than Dodge included: : Reese; McGill; Matteson; Munson; Fay
Dodge First Names Included: Walter, John or Jonathan, Edward Dodge, Almira, Eliphalet D., Julia Maria, Adelaide
Dodge, William
DNA testing of a descendant proves this a Tristram Dodge line, but how does it fit in?
Dodge, William Clark
We believe that this Dodge line is from Tristram based on their location, Long Island
William descended from Daniel Dodge and Nancy Blydenburgh. We recently found his Bible and this Information is scanned from that.
Dodge, William Henry
Dodge, William Peter Surnames (other than Dodge) included: Meany
Dodge First Names Included: William, Nada, Ted or Theodore, Anna Juanita, Tom, Stuart, Gwendolyn

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