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DNA PROJECT - Haplogroups

Information on Haplogroups found in the Dodges who have been tested

R1b Haplogroup. Most of the Dodges tested are in this group...both from the William and Richard lines, and also from the Tristram line.

This is a second page on the R1b Haplogroup

Here, you will learn about the R1a Haplogroup.We have one person so far, who belongs to this group. From this web site we read " R1a (Hg3, Eu19) is, along with Q, the only haplogroup that can unequivocably be linked to a Norse ancestry, and more specifically to the west coast of Norway. "

I Haplogroup The I, I1, and I1a lineages are nearly completely restricted to northwestern Europe. These would most likely have been common within Viking populations. One lineage of this group extends down into central Europe.

N Haplogroup and a second page regarding this group

More about various Haplogroups
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