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class="moz-text-plain" wrap="true" graphical-quote="true" style="font-size: 20px;" lang="x-western">Eileen Dodge has done some more investigating on the name of our mystery Ralph Emerson Dodge.
She has found that he is in the Tristram Dodge line: Ralph Emerson, Henry Clay, Charles, Charles, Charles, Amos, David Britain, John, Tristram. Eileen writes: Here is a brief synopsis of what I have learned: 1. Ralph Emerson Dodge was born November 1880 in Indiana to Henry Clay and Florence M. Dodge. He was apparently a "late" child in this marriage as their two older children were born in 1865 and 1868 respectively. If you go to the DFA web site today you will see Ralph Emerson listed as born in 1891 (typo) to Henry Clay and Nancy E. Dodge (Henry's 2nd wife). This is incorrect as Henry and Nancy did not marry until 1891 and their ONLY child, a girl named Honorius, was born October 1895. This is confirmed in the 1900 census which states that Nancy gave birth to only 1 child and that child was still living at the time of the census. 2. Ralph Emerson Dodge married Jessie Solomon. They had just one child, Ralph Chester Dodge. 3. Ralph Chester Dodge was born 11 February 1911 in California and died 6 May 1971 in San Mateo, California (per California and Social Security Death Records). Until either a familly member comes forward or the 1940 census becomes available to the public will we know if Ralph Chester married and perhaps had children.
Ralph was born circa 1884 in Indiana. He graduated from Purdue University in 1904 at the age of 20 yrs. with a degree in Civil Engineering. He lived in Indiana, but moved to California after marriage. He married Jesse Mae Solomon on July 18, 1905. Jesse was b. May 11, 1883 in South Bend, Indiana to Elisha Solomon and Rhonda Elizabeth (Chester) Solomon. Rhonda had a sister,Elizabeth Rhoda, b. South Bend, Indiana, 2-23-1881 and a brother, p. Chester, b. in Albany, NY on 2-2-1879. We know of one child for Ralph and Jesse tho there may have been more. That one child is Ralph C. Dodge, b. Jan. 2, 1911. The 1910 and 1920 census in California show this family. By the 1930 census it states that his wife is a widow. Since Ralph had not been born by 1880, he would not be in the 1880 census. He was not found in the 1900 census, altho at the age of 19, he probably was still living at home. The 1910 Census said Ralph Emerson's father was born in Ohio and his mother was born in Indiana. Searching the Census records for Indiana, looking for a man living in that state who was born in Ohio, narrowing it down by proper age figuring the father would be born sometime around 1850 - 1860, I found a hit, but it was for the wrong Henry with a 9 year old son, Ralph E. THAT line is a Tristram Dodge line.