The Dodge Family Association

Augustus Ceasar Dodge

Augustus Ceasar Dodge [Henry (6),Israel (5),John (4),John (3),Israel (2),Tristram (1)] was elected to as a delegate to Congress from Iowa Territory on October 5, 1840. On the 2nd day of September, 1841, he took his seat in the Twenty-seventh Congress then convened in extra session. On the 7th day of December, he welcomed his father, Governor Henry Dodge, to a seat by his side, as a delegate from the Territory of Wisconsin -- the first and only instance of a father and son sitting together in the House of Representatives since the foundation of the government. Augustus served as delegate until the admission of the state of Iowa into the Union, December 28, 1846.

On the 15th of December, 1846, he presented to the House of Representatives the Constitution of the State of Iowa, and on the 28th of December, the State was admitted to the Union.

Would you like to learn more about Governor Henry Dodge, the 1st Governor of Wisconsin Territory, and his son, famous in his own right, Augustus Ceasar Dodge? Click here.

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