John Bigelow Dodge
We are trying to find descendants of John Bigelow Dodge for two purposes.
#1. To help Tim Carroll, an author who wishes to write a book about this very fascinating man.

#2. To better define our genealogy information about him, as we seem to have some conflicting information.

John Bigelow Dodge was born in 1895 and died in 1960 or 1966. He was an adventurer born in the US who became a British subject by moving to England in 1915. He had at least two sons.

His grandfather, John Bigelow, was Abraham Lincoln's ambassador to France,

He was vaguely related on his mother's side to Winston Churchill and fought for Britain in the two world wars
eventually becoming a prisoner of the Luftwaffe.

He was one of the 'Great Escapers' immortalised by the Hollywood movie starring Dick Attenborough and Steve McQueen. (Tim Carroll has just written a book about the Great Escape.)

This may very well have been the John Dodge sent to Europe after the war. As you might know, there was a huge controversy over the escape from Stalag Luft III, as the Germans murdered 50 of the men. John Bigelow Dodge was one of the lucky ones. He was sent to Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp as a 'prominenten' - a VIP to be used as a hostage in bargaining with the Allies.

Because of his close connection to the British Prime Minister the Germans took him out of Sachsenhausen and sent him home via Switzerland to try and do a deal with Winston Churchill. To no avail of course. Anyway, his experience would indicate that he would be of value to the Allies after the war in interrogating potential German war criminals.

At the age of 21 he was a Colonel in the First World War and won the DSO and DSC. He also served in the Royal Navy.(!!!)

In the Second World War he won the MC before being captured. He was in the Army but the Kommandant of Dulag Luft where Air Force prisoners were taken quite liked the idea of having a cousin of Winston Churchill's in his jail, and so bagged him for himself.

He tried to stand for Parliament twice but failed, and had instead a successful career on the London Stock Exchange.

He was a fascinating man yet their is infuriatingly little on him, which is the reason Tim Carroll is keen to write a book about him.