Earl Dodge of Colorado, Dodge Assoc.
Secretary-Treasurer, and newly found 1st cousin, once
removed, Laura Losefky of New Hampshire
From the right: Elaine and Douglas Dodge,Massachusetts; Frederick Young, Massachusetts;
From the left: Lois Dodge, Massachusetts;
Everett Dodge, NY; David Dodge, Canada, Rebecca Dodge, NY
From the left: Dan Driscoll,
Massachusetts; William and Muriel Dodge, New Jersey
Wendall Day and Board Director, Blanche
Dodge Day, Massachusetts
From the left: Pat and Roscoe Putnam, New
Hampshire; Association President Everett Dodge and his
wife, Dorothy Dodge, California
Linda Dodge-Bazeley and Peter Bazeley,
Massachusetts. Linda is the daughter of Board Director,
Frederick Dodge of New Hampshire
From the Left: Barbara Elliott,
Massachusetts; Barbara Dodge York, Maine; Donna Dodge
Pitts, Connecticut; Betty Dodge, Maine; Gordon Sherburne,
From the left: Roscoe and Pat Putnam,
with Pat's mother, Losefsky, all from New Hampshire, and
Hilda and Robert L. Dodge of California.Laura is Robert's
newly found 1st cousin, making Pat Putnam his 1st cousin,
once removed.
From the left: Wilhelmina Morris,
Massachusetts; Barbara Elliott, Massachusetts; Beatrice
Dodge, Massachusetts
From the left, Rebecca Watkins, Priscilla
Sergeant, Karen Platt. Karen in the daughter of
Priscilla, and Rebecca is her grandaughter.
From the left:
Members of the Dodge Family Association Board of
Directors.President Everett Dodge, and Dorothy Dodge,
California Wendall Day and Board Director Blanche Dodge
Day, Massachusetts; Secretary-Treasurer Earl Dodge and
Barbara Dodge, Colorado; President Emeritus and compiler
of the new 1998 Dodge Family Genealogy, Robert L. Dodge
and Hilda Dodge of California
A. Winslow Dodge and Dorothy Dodge
Maciejowski of Massachusetts. (brother and sister of
Board Director, Blanche Dodge Day)