Canadian Obituaries
Sent by Phil Vogler
The Register - Wednesday, April 26, 1899 Cambridge has just met with a serious loss in the death of Mr. Jas. E. Dodge, which took place on Wednesday, the 19th inst. Mr. Dodge was in the sixty-second year of his age. He leaves a wife and one son, Mr. p. B. Dodge. Mr. Dodge made his home in his younger days at Lakeville, but some twenty five years ago he purchased a farm in Cambridge on which he has resided until removed by death. His wife was Miss Rachel Rand, daughter of the late Chas. Rand, Esq., and a niece of the late Rev. S. T. Rand, D. D. Shortly after settling in Cambridge Mr. Dodge made a public profession of his faith in his Saviour. He was baptised by Rev. I. Wallace and united with the Cambridge branch of the Berwick church. In 1877 he took his dismission from that church and with others, united to form the Cambridge church, of which he remained an honoured and faithful member until called to join the redeemed on the other side of the river. In August 1891 the church selected Mr. Dodge for a deacon to which office he was ordained and was an efficient officer of the church until the end. He was a thorough, active temperance man and as a Son of Temperance was the Deputy G. W. p. of Coldbrook Division. Probably the work nearest our brother's heart was the Sabbath School. He always took an interest in our S. S. Conventions and although not inclined to push himself to the front he was generally one of the executive officers of the convention. But probably his best work was done in his own Sabbath School at Coldbrook, where for years he was a faithful worker. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. E. O. Read, assisted by Rev. M. p. Freeman. The funeral was the largest seen for some time in Cambridge. The Coldbrook Division in full Regalia honored their Deputy by joining the procession. **************************************************************************************The Register, Berwick, N. S. May 5, 1915, Wednesday Evening, JOHN WHEELOCK DODGE A gloom has been cast over our town by the passing away of Mr. John W. Dodge, at the age of 64 years. During his four months' illness,confined to his bed, the best medical skill was in constant attendance,assisted by loving attention from the family, but despite all, Mr. Dodge grew weaker until 6.20 p.m. Monday, when the end came. He was conscious until almost the last. The deceased was a most estimable citizen, and few persons were better known or more deservedly esteemed in the community. His gentleness,kindness and thoughtfulness of others, as well as his cheerfulness not only endeared him to his own, but gained the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances, here and throughout the adjoining County and Valley, where he was well known, being a native of Aylesford. For young and old he had a kindly greeting and a friendly smile, and not only in the home will he be missed and mourned, but in our midst we shall miss him sadly. The deceased leaves to mourn, a sorrowing widow, who was formerly Miss Lena M. Margeson, of Kingston, having been married there thirty-eight years ago. The children are: Harley L. who has been here all through his father's illness, and Mildred, Mrs. Hedley W. Richardson, and one grandson, John Church Dodge. There were two brothers, Bradford, who died at Boston some years ago, and James, who died at Aylesford. Mr. Dodge is the last of the family. He was a son of Charles and Jane Dodge, of Aylesford. His mother died here almost a year ago at the ripe old age of 96 years, and to whom Mr. Dodge was affectionately devoted. - Hants Journal. |