Worcester County, Massachusetts |
Ashburnham | Births |
Athol | Marriages |
Auburn | Births |
Marriages |
Deaths |
Berlin |
Marriages Eunice C. Dodge, unm. of Framingham and George W. Fosgate of B., Sept. 29, 1848, int. |
Brookfield |
Births Antipas, s. Joshua, bap. April 6, 1760. C.R.I Charles, s. Lewis and Susan, June 17, 1808 Charles L., h. Lillian J. Olmstead, ----- ---, 1846. G.S.4 Daniel, s. Francies and Sarah, May 23, 1745 Elisabeth, d. Francis and Sarah, March 23, 1745 Elizabeth, d. Braham, bap. June 17, 1759. C.R.I Francis, s. Francis and Sarah, Jan. 26, 1730-31 Hannah, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, April 9, 1776 Harrison Barnes, s. Lewis and Susan, June 22, 1811 Henry, s. Lewis, bap. June 24, 1818. C.R.I. Henry Lawton, s. Lewis and Susan, March 18, 1815 Hepsebath, d. Francis and Sarah, Sept. 16, 1752 John, s. Thoms and Mary, March 10, 1751 Jonas, s. Joshua and Thankfull, Aug. 27, 1752 Jonathan, s. Francis and Sarah, June 12, 1741 Louisa, d. Lewis and Susan, May 29, 1805 Lucy, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Jan. 28, 1779 Lydea, d. Joshua and Thankfull, July 9, 1749 Lydia, APril 12, 1816. G.S.4 Melissa, d. Lewis and Susan, Nov. 15, 1806 Marcus N., h. Nancy B. Chapman, ---- ---, 1842. G.S.4 Mary, s. Thoms and Mary, Aug. 18, 1749 Mercy, d. Caleb, bap. Aug. 19, 1758 C.R.I. Moses, s. Joshua and Thankful, Oct. 23, 1750 Nancy B. Chapman, w. Marcus N. Dodge, ---- ---, 1847 G.S.4 Nathaniel, s. Caleb, bap. March 28, 1762. C.R.I. Nathaniel, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Aug. 10, 1765 Patty, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, June 12, 1763 Prudence, d. Thomas and Mary, June 8, 1765 Reuben, s. Thomas and Mary, Jan. 9, 1756 Rufus, s. Joshua, bap. July 16, 1758. C.R.I. Rufus, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 2, 1773. Ruth, d. Thomas and Mary, Aug. 9, 1759 Sarah, s. Francis and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1738 Sarah, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1768 Solomon, s. Thomas and Mary, Oct. 16, 1768 Thaddeus, s. Joshua, bap. July 16, 1758. C.R.I. Thankfull, d. Thoms and Mary, Feb. 13, 1763 Thomas, s. Thomas and Mary, Sept. 11, 1754 Tryphosa [Tryphosa Thompson in C.R.], d. Lewis and Susan, April 7, 1813 Zebulon, s. Caleb, bap. Oct. 7, 1764. C.R.I. Marriages Listed under the surname DODG Reuben and Betsey Hayward {Howard ?], Nov. 6, 1783* Susanna and Richardson Dunham, April 8, 1784 [March 28, C.R.] Listed under the surname DODGE Abel of Woodstock, Conn., and Annie Woolcott, March 9, 1817 * Artemas and Jenny Richmond, int. Feb. 7, 1794. [Married May 1, C.R.] Caleb and Miriam Gilbert, April 4, 1757* Daniel and Sarah Danforth, June 11, 1772 Elisabeth and Thomas Barns, Feb. 24, 1756 Elisabeth and Rufus Dodge, [Dec] 15, 1756 Mrs. Esther and Ephraim Dewing, May 12, 1840 Eunice and Joshua Dodge of Londonderry, N.H. Jan. 23, 1791 Fanny and Reuben Stoddard of North Brookfield, Dec. 30, 1813 Hannah and Silas Olds, int. Feb. 11, 1777 Hannah and Amasa Bacon of Brimfield, Dec. 29, 1799 Hepsibah and Uriah Fay, Dec. 13, 1770 John and Elizabeth Hill, Nov. 25, 1778 John and Rachel Hamilton, int. Feb. 29, 1784 John of Susquehannah, N.Y., and Lucy Kimball, int. Dec. 23, 1792 Joshua and Abigail Baley, int. Sept. ---, 1760 Joshua and Rebecca Melvin, Nov. 23, 1778 Joshua of Londonderry, N. H., and Eunice Dodge, Jan. 23, 1791 Lewis and Susannah Barnes of New Braintree, int. Oct. ---, 1804 Louisa and William Barrett, July 13, 1837. In South Brookfield Lucy and Francis Peeso, Dec. 25, 1796* Lydia and David Smith, June 5, 1775. [Lieut. In int.] Mark of Dudley and Hepsibah Bigelow, Feb. 20, 1793 Mary and John Corey Jr. of Sturbridge, int. Aug. 16, 1772 Mary and Azariah Selden of Hartford, Vt., Jan. 5, 1797* Melisa and Charles Lewis of Monson, April 9, 1826 Mercy and William Hannum of Belchertown, Nov. 10, 1791 Moses and Betsey Parker of Shrewsbury, int. July 6, 1773 Nathaniel and Sarah Dodge, Feb. 22, 1763* Nathaniel of Belcher and Abigail Kendrick, Feb. 4, 1783 Nathaniel Jr. and Susanna Jenks, April 17, 1791 Patty [Polly?] and Moses Rice, APril 28, 1789 Prudence and Jeremiah Dewing, Sept. 8, 1782 Rebecca and Josiah Jennison, Nov. 2, 1797 [1799?] Reuben and Betsey Howard, int. Nov. 3, 1783 Rufus and Elisabeth Dodge, [Dec.] 15, 1756 Rufus and Lucy Hale, Nov. 9, 1800 Rufus 2nd of North Brookfield and Sarah Stone, int. Nov. 9, 1823 Sarah and Nathaniel Dodge, Feb. 22, 1763* Sarah and Samuel Work of Sturbridge, int. Sept. 20, 1781 Thaddeus and Susanna Halloway, Jan. 30, 1782. In New Braintree Thaddeus and Ester Tyler, int. Dec. 17, 1814 Thomas [Jr. in int.] and Molly Allen, Dec. 30, 1773 Tryphosa and Royal Rich of Warren, int. Oct. 10, 1835 Deaths Charles, s. Lewis and Susan, Nov. 4, 1809, a. 1 y. 4 m. 18 d. Elizabeth, w. Lawton, Nov. 10, 1847, a. 60. G.S.3 Jane, w. Artemas, Oct. 31, 1827, a. 60. G.S.3 Joshua, h. Thankfull, Feb. 24, 1795, a. 72 Nathaniel Esq., h. Susannah, March 14, 1843, a. 77. G.S.3 Rufus A., Dec. 29, 1841, a. 27 G.S.I. Susan, w. Lewis, April 15, 1820 Susannah, w. Nathaniel Esq., Sept. 26, 1822, a. 54. G.S.3 Thankfull, wid. Joshua, Nov. 1, 1797, a. 70 -------, wife of John under heading [in ye latter part of Nov. and in Dec.], 1781 C.R.2 |
Charlton |
Births Amos, s. James and Hannah,March 24, 1770 Ann M., d. Asahel and Caroline, July 7, 1839 Arthur Madison, s. Rufus B., and Augusta, Dec. 25, 1848 Asahel, s. David and Polly, Nov. 1803 David s. David and Polly, Dec. 21, 1798 David E., s. Asahel and Caroline, May 10, 1836 David Ricard, s. David and Tamar, May 3, 1828 Ellen Elizabeth, d. William and Elisabeth, Nov. 22, 1838 Emaline, d. Gibbs and Polly, Aug. 14, 1812 Emely Frances, d. Rufus and Ruth, Sept. 22, 1841 Francis Wakefield, s. Gibbs and polly, March 4, 1815 Franklin Elles, s. George J. and Jane L., Feb. 6, 1849 Genison, s. David and Polly, July 1789 Gibbs, s. Moses and Tryphena, June 5, 1798 James, s. James and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1771 Julina, d. Gibbs and Polly, Oct. 28, 1810 Lucina Emerson, d. Gibbs and Polly, May, 29, 1828 Lydia Gibbs, s. Gibbs and Polly, Sept., 24, 1825 Mary, d. GIbbs and Polly, June 16, 1817 Mary E., d. Asahel and Caroline, Dec. 16, 1837 Maynard, s. David and Polly, Oct. 18, 1806 Nancy, d. David and Polly, Sept. 6, 1815 Polly, d. David and Polly, April 21, 1809 Rebecca Chloea, d. Gibbs and Polly, April 3, 1823 Robert, s. Moses and Tryphena, Sept. 29, 1791 Rufus Brown, s. Gibbs and Polly, Feb. 9, 1821 Sally, d. David and Polly, May 11, 1801 Sarah, d. James and Hannah, Oct. 19, 1773 William DeCordis, s. Gibbs and Polly, March 2, 1831 Marriages Asahel and Caroline Gardner of Brimfield, int. May 11, 1835 David of Harkenmon Co., N.Y. and Polly Howard, int. Nov. 30, 1794 David of Oxford and Lucina Fitts, Aug. 31, 1823 Emeline and William Gale, Dec. 2, 1832 Genison and Susan Corbin of Dudly, int. May 24, 1818 George J. (s. Maynard and Rebecca, a. 23) and Jane L. McCoach, April 9, 1848 Gibbs and Polly Wakefield, int. June 3, 1810 Gibbs and Polly Wakefield of Dudly, int. Feb. 17, 1820 (This was listed under the surname of DOGE) Julina and Salem Davis of Dudley, April 3, 1833 L orin and Betsey M. Wakefield, May 24, 1841 Lucy of Dudley and Curtis Phillips, int. Feb. 27, 1828 Lydia G. (d. Gibbs and Mary, a. 22) and William F. Howe of Leominster, Feb. 16, 1848 Wid. Mary and Pain Cleveland of Union Ct., int. Dec. 9, 1821 Mary and Thomas J. Fletcher of Uxbridge, int. April 29, 1832 Mary and Jess Bixby, int. Aug. 20, 1837 {Dogge in int.] Moses and Tryphena McIntier, April 29, 1789 Paul of Dudley and Rhode White, int. Feb. 3, 1798 Rebecca [Rebecca C. in int.] (d. Gibbs and Mary, a. 25) and Charles Farnsworth,June 7, 1848 Robbert and Chloe Mansfield of Dudly, int. Feb. 7, 1813 Robert and Letty Dickey, June 18, 1820 Rufus of Sturbridge and Ruth Ward of Grafton, May 31, 1837 Rufus B. (s. Biggs and Mary, a. 26)and Augusta Morse, April 18, 1847 Mrs. Trypena and Asa Newell, Nov. 5, 1828 Deaths Asahel, h. Caroline, May 26, 1843, a. 39 Moses, h. Tryphena, Feb. 21, 1826 Rebecca, w. Manard, July 1, 1825 Robert, Feb. 18, 1844, a. 51 Sally, d. David and Polly, Sept. 5, 1803 William DeCordis, s. Gibbs abd Polly, Nov. 24, 1831 |
Douglas |
Marriages Amos of Sutton, and Lois Hill, int. Nov. 3, 1800 |
Dudley |
Births Abner, s. Paul and Elisabeth, March 20, 1773 Andrew, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, April 20, 1745. [Bap. Next day, C.R.] Barney, twin s. Paul and Rohda, Feb. 26, 1800 Benjamin, s. Elijah, bap. Oct. 11, 1747. C.R. Daniel, s. ----- and Rebecca Chamberlain, Dec. 14, 1760 Daniel, s. Paul and Elisabeth, Nov. 28, 1769 David, s. Mark and Susannah, Dec. 6, 1786 Dorcas, d. . Mark and Susannah,, Oct. 10, 1776 Ebenezer, s. Nathan Doge and Mary, Aug. 13, 1735 Ebenezer, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, Jan. 20, 1756 Eliza, d. Harvy and Sally W., June 22, 1832 Elizebeth, d. Daniel and Elizebeth, March 6, 1748-9 George Harvy, s. Harvy and Sally W., Jan. 7, 1834 Harvey, twin s. Paul and Rhoda, Feb. 26, 1800 James, s. Nathan and Mary, March 5, 1738 Jerusha, d. Nathan, bap. March 30, 1746. C.R. Jerusis, d. Althedy, d. Jerusia bap. June 9, 1815. C.R. John, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, March 15, 1747 John, S. Daniel and Elizebeth, April 16, 1751 John, s. John and Lois, July 22 ?, 1773 At Concord John, S. John and Lous, Jan 23, 1776 John David, s. Jennison and Susan, March 23, 1828 John Francis, s. Genison and Susan Doge, April 2, 1831 (This is listed under the surname of DOGE) Joseph, s. Joseph, bap. May 9, 1756 C.R. Leonard, s. John, offered by Lois, his wife, bap. Oct. 24, 1784 C.R. Lewis, s. Harby and Sally W., March 25, 1826 Lorin, s. David and Tamer, June 10, 1814 Lucretia, d. Jennison and Susan, Sept. 30, 1821 Lucy, d. Paul and Rhoda, March 3, 1805 Martha A., w. Henry H., Sept. 15, 1844. G.S.7 Mary, d. .Nathan and Mary, April 16, 1740 Mark, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, APril 6, 1743 Mark, s. Mark, bap. July 1, 1770. C.R. Mary Ann, d. Genison and Susan, Sept. 2, 1833 Mary Lucretia, d. Harvy and Sally W., April 9, 1830 Mollee [Molly in C.R.], d. Daniel and Elizebeth, June 15, 1754 Molley, d. Mark and Susannah, March 31, 1782 Nathan s. Daniel and Elizebeth,, APril 6, 1743 Noah, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, July 15, 1739 Paull, s. Daniel and Elizebeth, July 5, 1741 Paul, s. Mark and Susannah, May 3, 1774 Priscilla, d. Elijah, bap. Aug. 20, 1749 C.R. Rebeckah, d. Elijah, bap. June 13, 1746. C. R. Rebeckah, d. Elijah, bap. Sept. 28, 1755 C.R. Rhoda, w. Paul, bap. June 5, 1814 C.R. Rufus, s. David and Tamer, Nov. 14, 1810 Sally, d. Harvy and Sally W., March 16, 1828 Sarah, d. Joseph, bap. May 9, 1756 C.R. Susannah, d. Mark and Susannah, March ---, 1780 Susannah, d. Mark Jr. bap. July 17, 1791 C.R. Theda, d. Mark and Susannah, March 5, 1784 William, s. Daniel and Elezebeth, Oct. 27, 1737 Winthrop, s. John and Lous, July 22, 1773 at Concord. --------, d. Mark, bap. Dec 8, 1776 C.R. Marriages Altheda and William Fisher of Elba, N.Y. int. June 22 [1822] Andrew and Jane Carriel of Sutton, May 8, 1777. At Sutton Andrew and wid. Dorathy Hill, Dec. 7, 1817 Daniel of Killingly and Rebecah Chamberline, int. May 3, 1760 David and Tamer Wakefield, Dec. 21, 1809 Dorcas and William FIsher, Jr., April, 3, 176 Elizabeth and Ira Green, April 5, 1770 Elizebeth and Simon Chamberline, March 7, 1756 Wid. Elisabeth and John Bacon, Jan. 1, 1776 Gibbs of Charlton and Polly Wakefield, APril 19, 1820 Harvey and Sally W. Barton, April 24, 1825 Jennison of Charlton and Susannah Corbin, June 21, 1818 Joseph and Sarah Tayler, June 21, 1750 Julina and Selem David of Charlton, int. March 14 [1833] Lucy and Benjamin Newell, May 7, 1765 Lucy and Curtis Phillips of Charlton, March 27, 1828 Mark and Bethia Hill, both of Oxford, Nov. 19, 1789. At Oxford Lieut. Mark and Hepzibah Bigelow, Feb. 20, 1793. In Brookfield Wid. Mary and Daniel Barret of Killingley, Sept. 18, 1777 Mollay and Jacob Willson, April 22, 1777 Noah and Mary Wylee of Oxford, int. Feb. 21, 1761 Paul and Elisabeth Heart of Redding, int. March 1, 1767 Paul and Mrs. Rhoda(e) White of Charlton, int. [April 22, 1798] Robert of Charlton and Chloe Mansfield, March 7, 1813 Mrs. Susannah and Joshua David, March 13, 1799 Thomas and Abigail Putney, Feb. 12, 1779. At Sturbridge William and Elizebeth Thoits, June 8, 1758 Deaths David, s. Lieut Mark and Susannah, Sept. 15, 1776 in 4th y. G.S.I. Hannah, Jan. 25, 1844, a. 95 Fever Hepzibah, w. Mark, June 26, 1824. A. 72 Lewis, s. Harvy and Sally W., Aug. ---[10, G.S.I], 1827, a. 1 y. 5 m. Mark, Sept. 18, 1824, a. 81 Susannah, w. Lieut. Mark, May 20, 1792, in 44th y. G.S.I. |
Fitchburg |
From the Fitchburg Town Records This 24th Day of May 1781 - Joseph Fuller of Fitchburg made application to be published to Eunice Dodge of Fitchburg. Joseph Fox, Town Clerk. The Brickett School District lists Thomas Dodge as one of the people to be taxed for School District No. 1. |
Grafton |
Births Cheney, s. Lewis W. and Martha II., Sept. 8, 1844 Cheney C., s. Cheney and Sally, July 6, 1840, Waldo, ME Edgar J., s. John A. and Harriet C., May 26, 1847 Frances A., d. Ebenezer R. and Mercy H., Nov. 22, 1844 Hannah E., d. Cheney and Sally, March 3, 1833. Waldo, ME James E., s. Cheney and Sally, Nov. 20, 1828. Frankfort, ME Joseph Adams, s. Lewis W. and Martha, bap. Dec. 10, 1847. C.R. Joseph C., s. Cheney and Sally, Oct. 10, 1826. Prospect, ME Joseph C., s. Cheney and Sally, Aug. 17, 1847. Waldo, ME Manly E., s. Cheney and Sally, Dec. 15, 1830. Frankfort, ME Martha Eliza, d. Lewis W. and Martha H., APril 25, 1841 Minerva Isabell [Issabell in dup.] Rhodes, d. John A. and Harriet C., June 19, 1845 Lewis R., s. Cheney and Sally, July 16, 1844. Waldo , ME Loisa E., d. Cheney and Sally, Jan. 5, 1837. Waldo, ME Marcy M., d. Cheney and Sally, Feb. 11, 1835. Waldo, ME Oril J., s. Cheney and Sally, Dec. 21, 1824. Prospect, ME Sarah J., d. Cheney and Sally, Aug. 3, 1823. Prospect, ME William Henry, s. Lewis W. and Martha H., May 15, 1849 ---------, s. Lewis W. and Martha H., April 21, 1846 ---------, d. John A. and Harriet C., Oct. 16, 1849 Marriages Algernon S. of Northbridge and Julia Ann Gates, int. May 9, 1838 Ebenezer K. and Mercy H. Comstock of Mendon, int. May 21, 1843 Lewis W. and Martha H. Adams, May 16, 1837 Prudence of Sutton and Zepheniah Lathe, May 1, 1800. In Sutton. Rhoda T. of Northbridge and Martin Fassett, int. April 14, 1839 Sarah M. of Northbridge and Augustus Slocomb, int. Nov. 25, 1836 Thomas and Mary Adams, Jan. 5, 1747* Deaths Cheney, s. Lewis W. and Martha H., Sept. 22, 1844, A. 14 d. Disease of the organs Joseph C., Aug. 11, 1828 Frankfort, ME Martha, Aug. 7, 1843. Waldo, ME |
Hardwick |
Marriages Ann Maria and James G. (James Z. dup.) Whipple, both of Pelham, in Pelham, Apr. 2, 1837* Isaac and Nancy Daniels of Pelham, int. Oct. 17, 1784 |
Harvard |
Births John Munroe, s. of -----, bp. Nov. 28, 1773. C.R.I. Reuben, s. of Reuben, bp. July 15, 1770. C.R.I. W[illia]m, s. of Reuben, bp. Oct. 13, 1771. C.R.I. Marriages Elizabeth and William Blanchard of Groton, Sept. 3, 1804 Hannah and Gideon Sanderson, Jan. 11, 1778 John Munroe and Mehitable Dwinnel, Jan. 1, 1798 William of Lunnenberg and Elizabeth Salmon, in Lunenberg, Jan. 26, 1755 Deaths -----------, ch. Of Peuben, Feb. 7, 1777. C.R.I -----------, inf. Ch. Of Isaac, Apr. 23, 1782. C.R.I. Delighteth, May 4, 1826, a. 71. Y. G.R.2. Sarah, May 7, 1841, a. 92 y. G.R.2 (May 7, 1840. S.R.) |
Holden |
Marriages Jane and Russell Fisk, int. July 19, 1832 |
Lancaster |
Lancaster Records Sally Wilson, wife of George Dodge, died Mar. 26, 1847, aged 38 yrs. Mr. Noah Dodge and Mrs. Sarah Witherby, both of Lunenburgh, Octobr, 20, 1763. Mr. David Stearns and Mrs. Mary Low, both of Lunenburgh. June 6th, 1765. The Revd. Mr. Zabdiel Adams, and Mrs. Elisabeth Stearns, both of Lunenburgh. Widow Sarah Dodge, a member of the Shakers in their village in Lancaster, died Dec. 23, 1792. Record handed to the Town Clerk's office, Feby 21, 1820, by their Elder Mr. Brockiebank. Marriages Lancaster Marriages Francis and Deborah Silvester, int. Sept. 22, 1754 (This was listed under the surname DODG) Nathaniel of North Brookfield and Elisabeth Henshaw, Sept. ---, 1823 Relief of Ward and Eli Barton, int. Jan. 7, 1821 Public Records David Dodge, resident, 1790 U.S.C. |
Leominster |
Marriages Alice Florilla, d. Stephen and Elvira, April 25, 1836 Allena Henrietta, d. Stephen and Elvira, April 25, 1836 Elvira Foster, w. Stephen, ----------, 1812 G.S. Emma R., w. Wooster F., ---------, 1847 G.S. Frederick, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, March 13, 1769 John, s. Isaac and Elizabeth, April 28, 1770 Stephen, ----------, 1808 G.S. Worcester Ferdinand, s. Stephen and Elvira, March 28, 1841 Marriages Josiah Jr., of Lunenburg and Hannah Conant, Nov. 8, 1761. In Lunenburg Lydia G. of Charlton and William F. Howe, int. Jan. 25, 1848 Rebecca C. of Charlton and Charles Farnsworth, int. May 22, 1848 Deaths Lucy, wid. Thomas, March 17, 1845, a. 67. Consumption. Thomas, AUg. 9, 1840 [a. 75] G.S. |
Lunenburg |
Births Margaret Dodge ye daughter of Noah Dodge and of Margaret his wife, born October ye 21th 1729 Miriam Dodge ye daughter of Noah Dodge and of Margaret his wife, born March ye 23th 1732 Lipha Dodge ye daughter of Noah Dodge and of Margaret his wife, born June ye 2th 1724 Thankfull Dodge ye daughter of Noah Dodge and of Margaret his wife, born July 6th 1736 Rhoda Dodge ye daughter of Josiah Dodge and of Susanah his wife, born at Lunenburg August ye 26 A.D. 1744 Asahel the son of Josiah Dodge and of Susanah his wife, born at Lunenburg August the 26th 1752 Benjamin the son of Josiah Dodge and of Susanah his wife, born at Lunenburg May 1st 1754 Sarah Dodge ye daughter of Josiah Dodge and of Susanah his wife, born at Lunenburg May the 24th 1749 Phebe Dodge the daughter of Josiah Dodge and of Susanah his wife, born at Lunenburg, September ye 23rd 1759 Elizabeth Dodge the daughter of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, Novr 14th 1749 Jemima Dodge the daughter of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, March 13th 1750/1 Sewall Dodge the son of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, July 21st 1752 Barzilai the son of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, Febry 8th 1753 Barsilin the son of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, February ye 8th 1754. This record was done by order of the Father, as there was a mistake in the above record of one year. Martha the daughter of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg, November ye 3th 1755 Keziah Martha the daughter of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 8th 1737 Kerenhappuch Martha the daughter of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg August ye 30th 1759 Hepsibath Martha the daughter of Zebulon Dodge and of Martha his wife, was born at Lunenburg October ye 30th 1761 Jesse Dodge the son of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg August the 28th A.D. 1744 Mary Dodge the daughter of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg May ye 6th A.D. 1746 Tabatha the daughter of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg April ye 8th 1748 Brewer the son of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 4th A.D. 1749 Levi the son of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg November 21th A.D. 1751 Tabitha the daughter of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 31 175- Zadok the son of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg APril ye 10 A.D. 1766 Ester the daughter of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg April 10th 1768 John Perkins the son of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg July 27th 1760 Ruth the daughter of Reuben Dodge and of Ruth his wife, was born at Lunenburg June 10th 1762 Eli the son of Eli Dodge and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 7th 1743 Rebekah the daughter of Eli Dodge and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg June ye 2nd 1745 Isaaac the son of Eli Dodge and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg March ye 17th 1747/8 Abigail the daughter of Eli Dodge and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg December ye 25th 1751 Prudence the daughter of Eli Dodge and of Abigail his wife, was born at Lunenburg September ye 25th 1752 The births of the children of Seth Dodge and of Sarah his wife, John Smith Dodge born at Lunenburg April 22d 1761 Hannah Dodge born at Lunenburg Jany 30th 1763 Sarah Dodge, daughter of Seth and Sarah Dodge was born August ye 8th 1765 at Lunenburg Eunice Dodge daughter of Seth & Sarah Dodge was born September ye 11th 1767 at Lunenburg. Marriages and Intentions of Marriage Purpose of marriage between William Dodge of Lunenburg and Elizabeth Salmon of Harvard was entered the 9th day of January A.D. 1755. Intentions of marriage betwixt Seth Dodge of Lunenburg and Sarah Smith of Ipswich was entered March ye 18th A.D. 1758 Intentions of marriage betwixt Josiah Dodge jun now resident in Lunenburg & Hannah Conant of Leominster were entered October ye 24th 1761 Intentions of marriage between Thomas Dodge and Keziah Willard both of Lunenburg were entered April 24th 1762 Intentions of marriage between Thomas Dodge of Lunenbrug & Abigail Smith of Ipswich were entered Novr 19th 1762 Intentions of marriage between Noah Dodge junior and Sarah Wetherbee were entered May 21st 1763 William Dodge of Lunenburg and Elizabeth Salmon of Harvard were married January ye 28th 1755 by the Rev. Mr. David Stearns minister of Lunenburg Josiah Dodge Junr resident in Lunenburg and Hannah Conant of Leominster were married by Edward Hartwell Justice of the peace November 8th 1761 |
Mendon |
Births Daniel, s. of Nethaniel and Anne, Dec. 7, 1786 John Chester, s. of Nethaniel and Anne, Dec. 28, 1788 Sarah M. [------], w. of William A., --------, 1828 G.R.19 William A., ------, 1828 G.R.19 Marriages Ebenezer B. of Grafton, and Mercy H. Comstock, June 17, 1843 Harvey of Sutton, and Catherine Thayer, int. Mar. 5, 1842 Nath[anie]ll and Anna Hill, June ---, 1786 (Lord's Day evening. C.R.I) (int. June 22, 1786) Azariah Dodge and Enice Dodge, Nov. 17, 1791* Benjamin of Colchester and Tabitha Dodge of Shelburn Mar. 19, 1772,* p.R.I Enice Dodge and Asariah Dodge, Nov. 17, 1791* Nathaniel Dodge of Shelburn and Betsey Pool of Shelburn, Mar. 22, 1779* p.R.I Tabitha Dodge of Shelburn and Benjamin Dodge of Colchester, Mar. 19, 1772* p.R.I |
Milford |
Births Sarah R., d. of Lorin and Betsey M., in South Boston, Oct. 25, 1849 Marriages Andrew Dodge, s. of Zephaniah and Unity, a. 24 y. and Roseanna B. Newton, d. of Larkin dec. and Ann W., a. 26 y., May 10, 1846 Deaths Corilla T., b. in Montpelier, VT, d. of John and Lorra (Laura, G.R. 3), Oct. 17, 1846, a. 3 y. 26 d. (3 yr. 24 d. G.R.3) Fits Roxanna B., b. in Southborough, w. of Andrew, d. of Larkin and Sally Newton, Nov. 18, 1849, a. 30 y. 7 m. 14 d. T |
Milbury |
Births William F. Dodge, s. Simeon and Delia F., Aug. 22, 1848 Milbury Simeon (s. Jonathan R. and Eliza, a. 26) and Delia F. Tilson, July 12, 1846 Deaths Sarah E. , d. Willard, Sept. 15, 1840 |
New Braintree |
Marriages Lewis of Brookfield, and Susanna Barns, int. Oct. ---, 1804 Thaddeus of Brookfield, and Susannah Halloway, Jan. 30, 1782* |
Northbridge |
Births Abner Hart, s. of Abner and Rhoda, Sept. 27, 1812 Algernon Sidney, s. of Abner and Rhoda, Jan. 20, 1816 Charles p., s. of Algernon S. and Julia Ann, Oct. 8, 1842 Francis Adams, s. of Abner and Rhoda, Jan. 24, 1806 Frederick E., of Abner H. and Lucy B., Mar. 11, 1847 Henry Fenton, s. of Abner H. and Lucy, Aug. 10, 1838 Henry H., s. of Algernon S. and Julia Ann, Dec. 11, 1840 Jane Mari, d. of Francis and Julia H., Oct. 25, 1836 Maranda, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Feb. 19, 1808 Mary A. {------}, w. of Willard, Apr. 2, 1820 G.R.I Nelson Gates, s. of Algernon S. and Julia Ann, b. in Douglas, July 12, 1849 Rhoda A., d of Abner H. and Lucy B., Oct. 16, 1844 Rhoda Taft, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Apr. 24, 1818 Sarah Maria, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Feb. 6, 1810 Sheldon Arthur, d. of Francis A. and Julia M., Nov. 1, 1846 Sabrina, d. of Abner and Rhoda, Feb. 17, 1804 Willard p., s. of Abner H. and Lucy B., July 28, 1840 Marriages Abner and Rhoda Adams, Dec. 23, 1802 Abner H. Jr. and Lucy B. White, Sept. 29, 1835 Algernon S. and Julia Ann Gates of Grafton, int. May 13, 1838 Francis and Julia M. Sibley, Sept. 16, 1829 Mary of Sutton, and Silas Rawson, int., Apr. 7, 1839 Miranda and Lowel White, Oct. 5, 1828 Moses C. and Lydia Sabin, Sept. 15, 1844 Rhoda (Rhoda T., int.) and Martin Fasset of Grafton, May 15, 1839 Sabrina and Simon J. Woodbury of Sutton, Sept. 11, 1827 Sarah M. and Augustus Slocomb of Grafton, Dec 21, 1836 Deaths Elizabeth A., d. of Capt. Abner and Rhoda A., Sept. 7, 1821 a. 4 m. 5 d. G.R.8 Henrietta, d. of Francis and Julia N., July 6, 1810, a. 9 m, 28 d. G.R.8 Rhoda A. (Rhoda Adams, G.R.8) w. of Capt. Abner, Sept. 13, 1842 (in her 62nd y. G.R.8) Willard p., s. of Abner H. and Lucy B. White, Sept. 7, 1841, a. 13 m. 9 d. G.R.8 |
Oxford. |
Births Noah, s. Noah and Mary, Nov. 4, 1761 (listed under surname of DODG) William Fitts, s. David and Lucina, Aug. 11, 1824 Marriages Daniel of Ward and Elizabeth Parsons, Feb. 20, 1785 In Ward Daniel Jr. of Ward and Mileson Hayward, Nov. 30, 1817 David and Polly Hayward, both of Charlton, Dec. 16, 1794* David and Lucina Fitts of Charlton, int. Aug. 9, 1823 David and Ruth Freeman, April 14, 1826 Isaac of Sutton and Martha Town, Dec. 27, 1775. In Sutton. Mark and Bithiah Hill, both of Dudley, Nov. 19, 1789* Noah of Dudley, and Mary Wily, March 12, 1761 Relief of Ward and Eli Barton of Leicester, May 8, 1821* Deaths Luana , w. David, Aug. 11, 1824, a. 22 |
Paxton |
From the History of Paxton List of persons who enlisted for longer of shorter terms of time during the war. Some of the number re-enlisted, thus counting twice on the town's quota and two were drafted: Alanson H. Dodge The summer following January 1, 1878, the Society engaged Rev. John E. Dodge who as licensed to preach. I don't know if the church was Episcopal, Methodist or Congregational. |
Petersham |
Marriages Betsey of Sutton and John Peckham Jr. int. April 25, 1801 Sibel of Templeton and Jonathan Pirce, int. Sept. 2, 1778 |
Prescott |
Births Sons and daughter of Lewis and Nancy Dodge. Byron, born September 22, 1821 Mary Spring, born November 27, 1823 Marthy Ann, born January 6, 1826, Joel Hamilton, born February 25, 1828 Marshall Spring Dodge, born February 28, 1830 Marriages 1848, December 2 - Between Mr. Josiah Nelson Holden of Prescott, a carpenter by occupation, aged 23 years, a single man, son of Josiah Newton and Hannah Holden of said Prescott, and Miss Nancy Paulina Dodge of Pelham, aged 18 years, daughter of David and Esther Dodge of said Pelham. Certificate given out. - David Mellen, Town Clerk |
Shrewsbury |
Marriages Amee and Ebenezer Maynard of Westburough, Jan. 15, 1742-3 Deborah and Solomon Rand, Sept. 14, 1741 Moses of Brookfield and Betty Parker, int. June 12, 1773 Deaths Anna Dodge, d. Jabez and Margery, March 28, 1742, a. 12. G.S. |
Southbridge |
Southbridge Records Southbridge was
founded in 1816. Its parent towns were Charlton, Dudley, and
Sturbridge. Southbridge, Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850 Has been
published by Jay Mack Holbrook, Holbrook Research Institute, Oxford, MA
01540. Copyright 1981 by Jay Mack Holbrook. Library of Congress Catalog
Number 80-83873. ISBN 9-931248-09-4. 292 pages, arranged alphabetically
by surname and given names. Permission has been granted to
electronically publish the index to this volume but not the images of
the pages. A limited number of copies of this volume are still
avaiable. For further information, please call Search & ReSearch
Publishing at 1- 800-284-8380. Dodge names in this book would be: Julina J.; Lucy; Lydia; Male: Moses C.: Mrs.: Robert: William: William Jr. |
Spencer |
Births Andrew [s. Zephaniah and Unity ?] ---- ---, 1822 G/S/2 Ann E. Bigelow, w. Andrew, ---- ---, 1829. G.S.2 Jonas, s. Nathaniell and Anna, Aug. 16, 1793 Roxana V. , w. Andrew, ---- ---, 1819 G.S.2 Unity H., w. Zephaniah, ---- ---, 1789 G.S.2 Walter W., s. Zephaniah and Unity H., ---- ---, 1825 G.S.2 Zephaniah, ---- ---, 1797. G.S.2. Marriages Francis and Deborah Sylvester, both of Licester, Oct. 16, 1754* |