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1783. Jan. 7. Dodge, John, and Mary Smith
1760. May 22. Dodge, Amos, and
Mary Huseford 1778. April 30. Dodge, Charity, and Robert Sutton 1762. Jan.
14. Dodge, Daniel, and Phebe Wooden 1768. Jan. 11. Dodge, Deborah, and John
Kell 1760. Jan. 28. Dodge, Elizabeth, and William Hallock 1761. Dec. 9.
Dodge, Freelove, and Townsend Parish 1737. Oct. 6. Dodge, Jeremiah, and
Margaret Vandebelt 1770. Feb 26. Dodge, Joannah, and John Houghton 1702.
Jan. 31. Dodge, John, and Anne Smith 1759. Dec. 13. Dodge, John, and
Elizabeth Denton 1763. July 28. Dodge, Joseph, and Sarah Hicks 1777. Nor.
7. Dodge, Margaret, and Jacob Haviland 1760. Sept 5. Dodge, Mary, and Maurice
Smith 1756. Nov. 17. Dodge, Mary, and Samuel Warner 1738. Sept 28. Dodge,
Mary, and Thomas Thorne 1753. Aug. 3. Dodge, Samuel, and Lenah
Amerman 1769. May 31. Dodge, Sarah, and Comfort Sands 1772. Mar. 7. Dodge,
Susannah, and Jacamiah Akerly 1779. Nov. 19. Dodge, Thomas, and Elizabeth
Montfoort 1768. Feb. 11. Dodge, Thomas, and Susannah