The Dodge Family Association

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Abraham National Cemetery, Elwood, Illinois
Photographs by Robert Dodge
Other cemeteries connected with this family are:      Lockport City Cemetery Lockport      Elmhurst Cemetery Joliet, Illinois     Brooks Cemetery, Lockport, Illinois

Charles Oliver Dodge, Jr. TEC5, USA, World War II. 1926 - 2006. Husband and Father.(Charles was the father of Robert who took the photographs)
Charles Oliver Dodge was the son of Charles Oliver Dodge and LaVina Murray. Charles Oliver Dodge, Sr. was the son of Enos Dodge and Lena Schwabe.Richard Dodge (Next Photo) was a cousin of Charles.
Richard Charles Dodge, PFC, USMC, World War II 1925-1997, Survivor of Iwo Jima
Richard Charles Dodge was a son of George Moses Dodge and Mara R. Unknown. George Moses Dodge was the son of Enos Dodge and Lena Schwabe. Richard and Charles (Photo to the left) were cousins.
Robert S. Dodge, LCDR US NAVY, WORLD WAR II, Korea, Vietnam
Sept 1, 1923 - July 30, 2005
Loving Father and Grandfather

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Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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