#1. This is the site of the graves of Thomas Dodge 9 July 1800 - 21 Aug 1873, his wife, Lydia Ray 11 Aug 1801 - , and their daughter, Almyra 22 Jan 1843 - 25 July 1899. The grave on the left is Thomas. The grave in the Middle is Lydia and the grave on the right of the tree is Almyra
#2. is a closer view of the gravesite to the left.
#3. The repaired stone for Thomas
#1. Almiyra daughter of Thomas and Lydia.
#2. Amos Dodge and his wife Polly. Amos was a son of Thomas and Lydia. The stone to the right says: Dau of A & p Dodge (daughter of Amos and Polly)
#3. Separate view of the stone for Amos
#1. Separate view of Polly's stone.
#2 and 3.These are different views of the stone for the daughter of Amos and Polly
#1.This is a son of Amos and Polly.
#2. Lincoln Dodge was a son of Amos. This stone is for Lincoln H. Dodge and his wife Ruby A.
Inscription for Lincoln H. Dodge
#3. Lincoln inscription
#1. Inscription for Ruby, wife of Lincoln
#2. Barbara Dodge dau. of L(incoln) & R(uby) Dodge 1923-1931