MABEL ELEANORDODGE died 1 July 1914 in Manchester, the five-year-old daughter of Louis Julius Dodge and Mabel Ella Todd.
MADONA THERESE (BECK)DODGE died 11 March 1907 in Goshen, the wife of Seth Winthrop Dodge. She was the daughter of William Beck and Mary Carr.
MANNING WOODWARDDODGE died 24 Apr4il 1907 in Keene. He was the son of Charles William Dodge and Frances Amelia Treadwell.
MARSHALL COBLEIGHDODGE died 10 July 1925 in Northwood, the widower of Martha Ann King. He was the son of Levi Baker Dodge and Charlotte E. Cobleigh.
MARTHA B. (GLIDDEN)DODGE died 24 February 1901 in Dover, the widow of John Moulton Dodge.
MARTHA BRADFORD (GOVE)DODGE died 19 Jan 1925 in Pittsfield, the widow of Edward Buxton Dodge. She was the daughter of Ezra C. Gove and Hannah C. Bradford.
MARTHA E. (FULLER)DODGE died 27 Sep 1920 in Littleton, the wife of Richard Dodge. She was the daughter of John Fuller and Emeline Prouty.
MARY ANN (KENNEY)DODGE died 28 Feb 1913 in Exeter, the widow of Benjamin Balch Dodge. She was the daughter of John and Ann Kenney.
MARY C. (BURPEE)DODGE died 28 March 1906 in Claremont, the widow of Austin Charles Dodge. She was the daughter of Joseph Burpee and Annice Wyman.
MARY C. (DODGE)DODGE died 24 March 1909 in Milford, the widow of Ephraim B. Dodge. She was the daughter of John Dodge and Achsah Campbell.
MARY JANE (EASTMAN)DODGE died 5 Apr 1905 in Whitefield, the wife of William Franklin Dodge. She was the daughter of William Eastman and Rebecca Gale.
MARY C. (SARGENT)DODGE died 12 November 1915 in Canaan, the widow of Alvah Dodge. She was the daughter of Joseph Sargent.
MARY EMERY (GREELEY)DODGE died 22 July 1902 Laconia, the wife of Theodore Dodge. She was the daughter of Rufus H. Greeley and Mary Emery.
MARY E. (RICHARDS)DODGE died 21 December 1902 in Manchester, the wife of Albert Ellsworth Dodge. She was the daughter of George Richards and Loramy Merrill.
MARY E. (PROCTOR)DODGE died 1 August 1910 in Bennington, the widow of John Felch Dodge. Her parents are unknown.
MARY E. (TUBBS) DO9DGE died 4 July 1919 in Marlow, the widow of Rufus Dodge. She was the daughter of William Tubbs and Eunice Carpenter.
MARY E.DODGE died 6 March 1921 in Manchester. She was the daughter of Israel Stone Dodge and Emily Waldo Dana.
MARY E. (BEMIS)DODGE died 17 February 1923 in Whitefield, the widow of Minot Baker Dodge. She was the daughter of Oliver W. Bemis and Olive Wentworth.
MARY E. (CUSACK)DODGE died 10 April 1928 in Dover, the widow of Charles Edward Dodge. She was the daughter of John Cusack and Mary Moffatt.
MARY E. (JONES)DODGE died 11 May 1933 in Raymond, the widow of George Edward Dodge. She was the daughter of Jeremiah Jones and Susan Marsh.
MARY E. R. (VIDELL)DODGE died 4 July 1932 in Dover, the widow of Oliver Augustus Dodge. She was the daughter of James Videll and Mary Pike.
MARY ELEANOR (KING)DODGE died 15 January 1912 in Manchester, the widow of William Smith Dodge. She was the daughter of George W. King and Mary Hawkes.
MARY IRENEDODGE died 24 November 1925 in Hanover, the daughter of Eleazer Edward Dodge and Mary E. Godsill.
MARY J. (HALL)DODGE died 23 October 1904 in Stoddard, the widow of Milan A. Dodge. She was the daughter of George M. Hall and Nancy Carruth.
MARY J. (ENRIGHT)DODGE died 7 October 1925 in Keene, the husband of George S. Dodge. She was the daughter of John Enright.
MARY JANEDODGE died 24 January 1919 in Haverhill. She was the daughter of Elias B. Dodge and Celinda B. Danforth.
MARY JANE (ADAIR)DODGE died 30 April 1919 in Littleton, the wife of Harvey Leander Dodge. She was the daughter of John Adair and Elizabeth Wilson.
MARY JANE (EDGERLY)DODGE died 7 July 1922,m the widow of William Pherson Dodge. She was the daughter of David Edgerly and Sarah Swain.
MARY JENNY (GREGG)DODGE died 17 February 1914 in New Boston, the widow of Allen Dodge. She was the daughter of John Gregg and Mary Batchelder.
MARY L. (PLUMMER)DODGE died 2 August 1908 in Webster, the widow of Henry Lancaster Dodge. She was the daughter of Ephraim Plummer and Lucy Gerrish.
MARY S. (MORRILL)DODGE died 29 March 1916 in Concord, the wife of John Barzilla Dodge. She was the daughter of Benjamin Morrill and Eleanor Simpson.
MAURICE IRVINGDODGE died 21 February 1925 in Hillsborough. He was the son of Simon Dodge and Sarah Ann C. Pillsbury.
MEHITABLE B. (WESTON)DODGE died 20 March 1904 in Antrim, the wife of Amos Dodge. She was the daughter of Samuel Weston and Mary Dunlap.
MERCY ADALETT (BURT)DODGE died 9 September 1925 in Bennington, the widow of Edward Ira Dodge. She was the daughter of Alexis R. W. Burt and Hannah Mathews.
MERTIE B. (JACKSON)DODGE died 7 June 1907 in Rochester, the wife of Forrest Melvin Dodge. She was the daughter of George Jackson and Nancy Heath.
MILTON CEYLONDODGE died 15 April 1936 in Alstead, the husband of Myrtle Louise Jenna. He was the son of Ceylon Milton Dodge and Augusta Izona Clark.
MINERVA F. (PEARSON)DODGE died 22 Sept 1936 in Peterborough, the wife of Charles Henry Dodge. Her parents are unknown.
MINOT BAKERDODGE died 13 March 1920 in Whitefield, the husband of Mary E. Bemis. He was the son of Baker Dodge and Sophronia Abbott.