Block Island, Rhode Island - Live Cam
Cow Neck Peninsular Historical Society
Dodge Mill, Attleboro, Massachusetts
Dodge Row Cemetery, Beverly, Massachusetts
Home of General Grenville Dodge, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Port Washington - Map of land allotments
Post Mills, Vermont The
Post Mills, Vermont The
Providence Art Club, former homes of Seril Dodge, inventor of
gold plating
St. Simon's Island, Georgia
Thomas Dodge Museum, Port
Washington, Long Island, New York
Unbroken Heritage from Indian Days, ,[ adapted from the original:]North Shore Community Section, Great Neck Record; Port Washington News; Manhasset Press; Roslyn News; Thursday, July 31, 1969; 1-A, 15-A, Port Washington, Long Island, New York
The Turner-Dodge House, Lansing, Michigan