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Cemetery at Nogales, Arizona
These photos were taken by Carolyn Marquette who wrote us: "The grave is all by itself on the southeast side of the cemetery, and I have looked over at it so many times and even hollered hello to Henry as I went by...I have always wondered who he was, and why he was buried there. All that the stone says is Henry Smith Dodge, with 1853-1907 and the masonic symbol. There is a panel with larger DODGE, and the stone is gray granite, measuring almost 4 ft tall by 2 1/2 feet wide and 10 inches thick. There is a concrete footing around it all with cut off pipes inlaid, I would assume it originally had a cast iron fence around it.".

Thanks to Carolyn, we have been able to fillin information for a Tristram Dodge line.

For a long time, Carolymn Marquette, who lives in Nogales, Arizona, has passed this cemetery on the way to work, and has noticed this stone for Henry Smith Dodge. She contacted us about it and Eileen Dodge, one of our super genealogists, was able to find out the Henry Smith Dodge was the "Henry S. Dodge" that we had in our Tristram Dodge file.

Henry was the son of Edmund A. Dodge and Nancy Minerva Smith. As often happened in those days, a son or daughter was given the mother's maiden name as their middle name.

Henry can be found in the 1885 Minnesota State Census living in St. Paul with his wife Ella. Ella appears to be born 1856 in Wisconsin. No record of their marriage could be found so we have no idea as to Ella's maiden name.

Henry can be found in the 1900 US Census in Spencer, Iowa. He is living in a boarding house and listed as a widower and his occupation as a Civil Engineer.

Of course, Henry died in 1907, so he was not in the 1910 US Census. However, an Arizona marriage record was found for him. On 12 November 1900, in Lower Verde, Arizona, he married Louise Owsley, a teacher at an Indian School. She was born in 1870 in Kentucky, the daughter of Alvin Clark Owsley and Sarah M. Blount.

Louise was in the 1910 US Census living in a boarding house in Nogales and she was listed as widowed. She could not be found thereafter, but it is understoon that she died in 1942 - where is not known.

Being a Civil Engineer would mean that Henry had at least 4 years of college, so it is not surprising that he would marry someone who was his intellectual equal.

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