The Dodge Family Association

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This n' That
This page contains miscellaneous items. Click on the thumbnails to view the items in a larger format. In some cases, we do not know how to tie these items in to a Dodge line. If you can help, please contact Barb Dodge at our office

These two cards are owned by the Dodge Family Association. They were used for advertisements for the E. p. Dodge Store, in Hamilton, Massachusetts. We believe that this store belonged to Elisha Perkins Dodge who started a small shoe factory in Newburyport, Massachusetts, which later, he enlarged.  If you can help us with any more information about the E. p. Dodge Store in Hamilton, Massachusetts, please contact us Charles Wright Dodge established the Department of Biology in 1890, at the University in Rochester. We had thought that Charles was a descendent of Tristram but DNA from a descendant proves this is a John Branch line, probably through Richard. This is still a mystery and the furthest we can go back is to Jesse Dodge who married Paggy Waters. To see the DNA for this line click here. Kit number 59010 is that of the descendant of this family whose DNA was tested. It is near the bottom of the page. You can see that we have two other DNA test results for two other mystery families that we have placed in this family group based on the mutation of '8' for Allelle 459A

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Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Links | Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Dodge Journals | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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