The Dodge Family Association

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Whar's New
April 2006

Two mysteries have been solved because of our DNA project

The Dodge Family Association is offering a FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP to whoever will do the research and PROVE the ancestry of Tristram Dodge. We have him settling in Block Island in 1660/61 and we know he was in Massachusetts for at least some time. We have a special page with questions we would like answered, and information that might possibly be pertinent. If you think you might be interested in researching this for us, please contact our office.

We now have a section on the Military from America, England and Canada. If you want to add the name of a Dodge or Dodge descendent, contact us.

Dodges on the Vietnam Wall

Letters from a Vietnam Vet who was killed in 1969.

Old wills from the area of Offerton, Stockport, England in the process of being translated.  A couple of them are now available.

The text in the Old Documents
is being typed and that text is linked to each old document to make it easier to understand what is written. This is being done by a member of the Dodge Family Assication who has volunteered for this project. WE owe her a big debt of gratitude.

We have also retrieved, from England, a good number of old wills of Dodges who lived in northern England in the areas of Stockport, Bosden, etc. These are very old, one in particular is dated in the 1500s.  That one may not be able to be understood at all.   Another DFA member is now typing the text of these wills, and as each one is finished, you will be able to read these in pdf format.

Access to our Cemetery pages, has been totally redone. Let us know what you think of this format.  There was very much to wade through on the old Cemetery Index page and we have broken each group of cemeteries by state making it easier (we think) to navigate.

Don't forget that we are always looking for people to take photos of Dodge gravestones in cemeteries we do not already have.

There is much on this web site and we do hope you take a few hours...not neccessarily all at once (smile)... to see everything that is here.  We also have a lot to add and always enjoy receiving items from our readers to add here, and/or to put in our Dodge Journal which is 6 pages that comes out every two months. 

New Photograph pages have been added

Many new Biographic Sketches and cemetery photos

Botanical Prints by O. Alanson Dodge

Read some interesting items that were given to us in 1990 by David Doidge of Somerset, England.

We are looking for Jane Bruer who contacted us a year ago looking for the Ancestry of Rufus Dodge who changed his name to Dexter. We have found that information but Jane Bruer's e-mail address is no longer valid.

Home | Archive News | Association | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Dodge Publishing | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Links | Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Dodge Journals | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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