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Old English Wills
We have acquired a number of old English wills from Dodges who lived many years ago in the north of England...namely, Manchester, Offerton, Stockport, Bosden, etc.  A DFA member is presently working on typing the text to these wills. As the text becomes available, we will link the scanned will to the typed text. In most cases, the wills were scanned in several stages as they were too big to fit on one page. If you can help with any of the wording where there seems to be a problem, e-mail our office.

Will 1: Dated July 11, 1704.
Pertains to J. Robert Dodge of Offerton.
View the original Document    Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Page 4    Page 5    Page 6    Page 7
Read the typed text for one of the cover pages, more to come.
Will 2: Dated August 16, 1716
James Dodge of Offerton, Stockport, and we believe, Halliday Hill House, since the will talks of his wife being able to have a room in the mansion.
View the original Document     Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Read the typed text in pdf format or as an MSWord Doc file.
Will 3: We think this is dated 1625
Robert Dodge of Bosden
View the original Document     Cover page    Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Page 4    Page 5
Will 4: We think this is dated 1628
Robert Dodge of Cheadle
Cover page     Will
Will 5: Dated October 2, 1882
Thomas Dodgeon of Broadbottom, Cheshire, Will dated 1882    Read typed text in pdf format or in a MSWord doc file.
Will 6: Probated March 12, 1900
William Henry Dodge of number 77 Shaw Heath, Stockport, County of Cheshire
Page 1    Page 2    Page 3
Will 7: Dated Feburary 1, 1727
Peter Dodge of Stockport
Cover page    Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Page 4
Will 8: Dated 1707
J. Robert Dodge of Stockport
Page 1    Page 1B    Page 2    Page 3
Will 9: Dated 1697
William Dodge of Bosden
Will 10:
Will 11:
Will 12:

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