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Old Documents
We have a page listing names of children who were involved in handwriting exercises at Hamilton North School in 1825 and 1826. We have those papers and will send to descendants of those names.

Following are some preliminary and unconfirmed notes for the following documents. We will eagerly receive ANY and ALL information that you can provide us on these or any other documents. You can view the original document or the text. Their are links to both. There are MANY documents here with much more to be added.

The typing of the text of these documents has been done by Carol Linder and are translated EXACTLY as they are written. This means that there are strange spellings of some words, capitalization in the middle of sentences, and other anomalies that seem strange to us today. We will be linking each document to the typed text.  You can also view the documents in their original form by clicking on the thumbnail. This page under construction with translations to be added.

Doc0001: Dated December 1, 1703
Pertains to #10, pg. 25 in Dodges of Essex County by Joseph Thompson Dodge. Names mentioned: Richard Dodge; sons William; Richard; Thomas Whiter; John Pickering    
View the original document
    Read the typed text

Doc0002: An indenture regarding Richard Dodge of Ipswich, and Daniel and William Dodge of Wenham
View the original document     Read the typed text

Doc0003: Dated April 2, 1741 Signed by Jacob Dodge, Paul Dodge, Richard Dodge, Sarah Dodge
pertains to #117, pg. 67 in Dodges of Essex County by Joseph Thompson Dodge; pg. 39, #117, viii; Richard/Sarah There are 3 pages to this document. Cover page     Front page     Back page
Read the typed text - Front and back have been put on one page.

Doc0004: regarding the estate of Nicholas Dodge, late of Wenham.
Dated January 5, 1858 at Salem, Massachusetts. Augustus Dodge was the Executor, and it was witnessed by: Andrew Dodge, Stephen Dodge, and Abraham Dodge.
View the original document. There are 4 pages. This is the cover page and is easy to read.
Page 1    Page 2    Page 3    Read the typed text - Page1 is not yet finished     Page2     Page 3

Doc0005: pertains to #125, pg. 70-71 in Dodges of Essex County by Joseph Thompson Dodge.
Land Sold. Dated March 14, 1752, Witnesses: Jacob Dodge, John Low, signed by Benjamin with undecipherable last name, and Abigail A. Edwards, her mark.
View the original document. - Front     Back       Read the typed text - Front     back

Doc0006: Dated Feb. 28, 1766. About Estate of Jacob Dodge, signed by Barnabus Dodge.
View the original document - Front    Back
Read the typed text - front is not yet finished     back is not yet finished

Doc0007:Deposition dated Sept. 30, 1767.
Signed by Nathaniel Fairfield. Pertains to #10, pg. 25 in Dodges of Essex County by Joseph Thompson Dodge. Relates to Doc0001.
View the original document - Front    Back       Read the typed text - Front    Back

Doc0008: Dated, July 1, 1782 re: Quit Claim in 1768 - Skipper Dodge to Jacob Dodge
#36, pg. 41, #130, ix, in Dodges of Essex County by Joseph Thompson Dodge. and pg. 74, #130.
View the original document - Front    Back        Read the typed text - Front - this is not yet finished     Back

Doc0009: Dated April 3rd, 1769, Wenham. signed by Nathaniel Hubbard? Dodge
View the original document - Front    Back       Read the typed text - Front     The back is only numbers and can easily be read on the jpg.

Doc0010: Dated August 17, 1771 (or 1791?), Wenham, signed by Ephraim Dodge, Jacob Dodge, Jr., Abraham Dodge, Nathaniel Fairfield and Tabitha Fairfield
View the original document     Read the typed text

Doc0011: Dated February 17, 1769. Some sort of note signed by Richard Hubbard Dodge, Nathaniel Dodge, Ezra Kimball
View the original document - Front    Back        Read the typed text     Back contains only a couple of words and will not be typed.

Doc0012: Dated December 26, 1782, Wenham, signed by William Dodge, Aaron Lee
View the original document - The cover page is only partly there and will not be typed.    Read the text. Front

Doc0013: Dated April 8, 1772, Essex. Amos Batihelen, Tim Pickering Jr., Sam FIsk, William Fisk, Nathaniel Brown: Justice of the Peace        View the original document:    Cover Page        Main Document
Read the text:     Cover Page        Main Page

Doc0014: A deed dated 1777 regarding Misery Islands - Nicholas and Hannah Dodge to Richard and Suson Dodge
View the original document:    Cover Page       Main Page       Read the text:    Cover Page      Main Page

Doc0015: Barnabus Dodge discharge of his father's estate, Oct. 18, 1782
View the original document:    Cover Page       Main Page       Read the text:    Cover Page      Main Page

Doc0016: Wenham, Feb. 28, 1784 - To William Dodge and Hannah Dodge from father, Jacob Dodge
View the original document:    Cover Page       Main Page       Read the text:    Cover Page      Main Page

Doc0017: March 8, 1785 - Quit Claim Deed - Simon Dodge to Nicholas Dodge
View the original document:    Cover Page       Main Page       Read the text:    Cover Page      Main Page

View the original document

Doc0019: Dated August 29, 1787, Wenham. Signed by William Dodge, Aaron Lee
View the original document

Doc0020: Deed from Jacob Dodge to Benjamin Beckford - Feb. 10, 1801
View the original document
Read the Text:   Cover Page     Main Page, top      Main Page, bottom

View the original document
Read the Text:   Page top      Page bottom

Doc0022: Joseph Trusk to Nicholas Dodge - Feb. 22, 1828 View the original document
Read the Text:   Cover Page - top      Cover Page - bottom      Main Page - bottom

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

View the original document

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