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School Papers from Hamilton North - yr. 1825-1826
Found in a box of deeds, tax receipts, etc. from Hamilton/Wenham/Ipswich, Massachusetts were these School Papers. It was evidently a handwriting assignment. The papers are fragile and there is more to some than others. We are not going to scan in these papers but have listed the names below. If any of the names belong to an ancestor of yours, we will be happy to send you the paper. We also have a number of deeds, etc. with names such as TUTTLE, METCALF, PATCH, COGSWELL, and WHIPPLE. We will be glad to send items to descendants in those famlies. .

Benjamin Porter, Hamilton North School - 1826
Emerson C. Whipple, Hamilton North School
Laura p. Moulton, Aged 12, Hamilton North School - 1826
Joshua Giddings, Hamilton North School - 1826
Alfred Poland
Jerusha Dane, Hamilton North School, December 13, 1825
Lydia Woodbury, December 13, 1825
Hannah Kimball
David Giddings, Hamilton North School - 1826
Martha C. Giddings, Dec. 14th, 1825
Hannah M. Kimball, age 11 yr. Hamilton North School, 1826
Emeline Friend, age 12, Hamilton, 1826
Elizabeth Whipple
Catherine Tuttle, 1825
Catherine Tuttle, Hamilton North School, 1826
Priscilla S. Brown
Flora A. Tuttle, a drawing
Hero C. W. Nichols, Hamilton, 1826 (this on a page of handwriting sentences that say 'Humility demands respect and esteem)
George Whipple, Aged 8, 1826
William Henry Rapall, age 12, Hamilton, 1826
Cyrus Haskell, Hamilton, 1826
unsigned art
Homopathic recipes, unsigned.

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