The Dodge Family Association

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Dodge Row

Dodge Cemetery Headstones
We are always happy to add more cemeteries. If you can take photographs of Dodge stones in your local cemetery and send them to us, we will include them in our cemetery pages.
We know to what families SOME of the headstones belong, however, there are many where the family is unknown. It is sometimes difficult to decide where to put a new page of cemetery stones. Aside from the mystery stones listed as such, there may be other mystery stones in the lists below. When you browse through them, please let us know if you can help with any of the genealogy.
Your tombstone stands among the rest; Neglected and alone. The name and the date are chiseled out on polished, marbled stone.
It reaches out to all who cares. It is too late to mourn.You did not know that I exist, You died and I was born.
Yet each of us are cells of you in flesh, in blood, in bone. Our blood contracts and beats a pulse entirely not our own.
Dear Ancestor, the place you filled one hundred years ago spreads out among the ones you left who would have loved you so.
I wonder if you lived and loved, I wonder if you knew that someday I would find this spot, And come to visit you.
Author Unknown

Arizona California Connecticut Florida Iowa
Illinois Indiana Kansas Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana
Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Utah >
Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin
Canada England Newfoundland
Aside from the states and countries listed above, we also have links to a good number of cemetery lists that are in New York. There are no photos, and we are going to see if we can get permission to put these lists on our own web site. Until then, you may like to look at these lists. If anyone would like to photo the Dodge gravestones in these cemeteries, a year's membership in the Dodge FamilyAssociation will be given.

Montfort Farm / Hegeman / Onderdonck Burial Ground

Woolley / Dodge Cemetery,Great Neck, Nassau Co.,Burials 1776-1870