The Dodge Family Association

Home | Association | Articles written by or about Dodges | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Samples of our Dodge Journal | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?


Our Association - Our Organization - Our Goals

The Dodge Family Association was founded by Robert Livingston Dodge, Earl Farwell Dodge, and Virginia Dodge Murphy in 1981. All 3 of our founders are now deceased, as are many of our original board members.
Calvin Gordon Dodge, Texas, is our Treasurer. He descends from William Dodge 1629. Calvin's father was one of our Founders, Earl F. Dodge.

The officially stated purpose of our is to:
  • Promote goodwill and fellowship among the Dodge Family members.
  • Promote the gathering and preservation of genealogical facts to preserve the memory of our forbearers.
  • Exchange genealogical facts and information.
  • Encourage the updating of Dodge Genealogies which have been published.
Among Major Activities in which we have participated in the past :
  • Publishing new and re-printing previous genealogical books which will help you trace your Dodge ancestry through American history and back into medieval England.
  • Organizing regional Family Reunions for research, social, project organization, and fun purposes.
  • Lobbying to save ancient Dodge historical sites, such as Halliday Hill house in Offerton, England.
  • Organizing tours to the old Dodge Family Historical Sites.

  • We still publish a newsletter, The Dodge Family Journal, which is a 6 page newsletter that is sent free to all members 4 times a year. Those who receive it via email, will also recceive during the year other interesting items.
join us. .

Home | Archive News | Association | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Dodge Publishing | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Links | Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Dodge Journals | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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