The Dodge Family Association

Home | Association | Articles written by or about Dodges | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Samples of our Dodge Journal | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?



When you join the Dodge Family Association, you become one of many Dodges and others across the country who are interested in keeping the Dodge heritage alive.

As a member, you will receive 6 Journals per year which will give you interesting facts about Dodges all over the world. You will also be eligible to have any of your genealogical requests put in the Journals AND published at our Web site. You will receive a membership certificate, several back issues of our Journal, and a Roster that contains the names of the Dodges who are in our Association.

Comments from some of the members of the Dodge Family Association
"Just a quick update. My copy of JTD's Dodge Family Genealogy arrived yesterday, Tuesday, 3/12/02. Wow! There's a picture of my great-greatgrandfather, Joseph! Yep. I scanned it and included the picture in my GED. Joseph was certainly mechanically talented. Now I'm in the process of following the line backward. With so many repeated ("common") names, it's not easy for this novice researcher, but it's interesting reading along the way. Thank you so much for just being there.If it weren't for the wonderful folks at Dodge Family Association, I probably would have said "forget it" and given up. Again, my thanks to everyone at DFA - Cheryl Dodge Hahn"

Thank you for your kind welcoming letter and for sending me a number of previous issues of the Dodge Family Journal. They were much appreciated and now I do feel that I'm a member of the Dodge Family. - Herb Holland, Texas

\You are putting out a very nice piece of work, very informative and interesting. Keep up the good work and the Family Spirit! - Carlton T. Dodge, Maryland

Thank you so much for the packet of information that you sent to me. It was just great to read. - Larry Conkle, California

Thank you for your call of concern following the extensive tornadic wind damage across Arkansas. - W. H. Dodge

Thank you so much for printing our dear sister's poem in the Dodge Family Journal. We were delighted that a wider audience will get to read one of her writings. - Phil and Noni Dodge, Illinois

I have enjoyed reading the issues of the Dodge Family Journal that I have received in the past years. Gathering that information and compiling it into a format for publication is no small task. - Eileen Lawson, Wyoming
If you would like to join, all you need to do is send your first years dues of $20 to the Dodge Family Association.

Don't forget! LIFETIME Memberships are available. If you are under 65 years of age, lifetime membership is $350.00

If you are 65 years or older, lifetime membership is $250.00

Anyone with an interest in genealogy is welcome to join our Association. Having Dodge ancestry are invited to join our Association.

If you have questions or comments, contact our office. You will receive a reply within 24 hours. We look forward to hearing from you. Don't put it off! Do it NOW!

Home | Archive News | Association | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Dodge Publishing | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Links | Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Dodge Journals | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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