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Phinney's Pasture, Nova Scotia
Photos by Kathryn Jamieson
The family plot of Josiah Dodge, Nova Scotia (Benjamin, Josiah III, Josiah jr., Josiah, John, Richard)

Josiah Dodge, Phinney's Pasture
Natural state of the stone
Josiah Dodge, Phinney's Pasture behind residence #7777, Hwy #1 Near Bellisle, Annapolis Co., Nova Scotia Reuben Dodge, son of Benjamin d. March 6, 1878 Aged 86 y.
Wife: Louisa Sanders 1794-1879
Daughter-in-law Elizabeth White nee Morse, 1842-1927
Benjamin was a son of Josiah. Reuben was the grandson of Josiah. Reuben's stone is in Riverside Cemetery, Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
"It was a great adventure to track down Josiah Dodge in "Phinney's Pasture".

As a result of several conversations, I was finally directed to a certain white house with green shutters near Belleisle. As I puilled into the driveway, a man was just getting out of his car. He was Carl Phinney, the current owner of the Josiah Dodge farm. I explained my search for Josiah, and he replied, 'Would you like to see the stone?'! We climbed through the barbed wire fence and picked our way through the cow patties ... and there was the tombstone on a slight hill in the field. Carl remembered there being other stones but they have disappeared - hopefully by breakage and not robbery. It seems that there was a minister who asked Carl's father if he could move the stones to the churchyard many years ago, but his father refused to give permission. Carl has straightened Josiah's stone in the past so that it is upright.

Directions: Driving west from Bridgetown, NS, on Highweay #1, the residences are numbered with signs at the highway. Proceed to #7777 (between Belleisle and Granville Centre) on north side of the highway. Enquire at the house for Carl Phinney." Kathryn Jamieson

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