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Old Cemetery, Colchester, Connecticut
There are only 2 stones here, and a number of pages from a notebook.
Altho we now know that some of the information written in this notebook is erroneous we are including it for it's interest, written by a Dodge in years past.

#1.This very old stone is for David Britain Dodge who married Rebecca Yeomans. This is the same stone that is pictured on the page of the notebook in the next photo. In this photo, the stone is broken and appears to have sunk into the ground. In the next photo, it is obvious that it has been repaired, BUT WHICH is the oldest photo?The stone is in Old Cemetery, Colchester, New London Co, CT which is located behind the Bacon Academy and the Church. In "Cemetery Inscriptions" found in Colchester Craig Library, there is a reference reading "Davie Dodge, consort to Mrs. Rebekaha, d. July 30, 1764"

#2. This the first page of the notebook that was written by Clifford Frances Dodge, and the picture is of Clifford standing beside the stone pictured to the left. Clifford was a son of William Noble Dodge who is pictured on the page to the right.

#3. Williard Noble Dodge, the father of Clifford Francis Dodge, with the list of his children.

#4 - #8. The rest of the pages of the notebook. On the last page, is a closeup of the stone for David Britain Dodge. As you read these pages, remember that we now know some of this information is not correct.

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