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1st Congregational Church Cemetery, Paxton, Massachusetts
The marriage certificate on the right, can be seen in a readable form by clicking on the image.
Alanson Dodge is a descendent of the Tristram line of Dodges.
Read more about Alanson, once a mystery Dodge, and see photos of Alanson and Adah
Photos by Terry Lyons

I have just returned from Massachusetts where I had the opportunity to trace part of my Dodge heritage. More than a year ago, a fellow Dodge member suggested a possible connection to my ancestory. I am please to say that the connection is accurate.

This is a photograph of the grave of Alanson H Dodge and Adah Hamilton (his wife). It is located in the 1st Congregational Church Cemetery in Paxton,MA. Because it is so modern looking I believe that it must have been a replacement for the original tombstone. I intend to contact the church to find out.

I also have a certified copy of the marriage certificate. How exciting to see the actual book of records! Although, the person who recorded the names of Alanson Dodge and Abiel Hamilton did not spell their names correctly, it was amazing that the book was still intact.

While at the City Hall in Worcester, I found out that the birthplaces of Alanson and his father Lewis were flooded to create the Quibban Reservoir in the 1930s. On the next trip I intend to do further research. Apparently, displaced graves are located in a new cemetery and vital records are available at the Vistors Center for the reservoir.

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