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Fitzgerald Cemetery, Missouri
Hwy. D, in or near Bynumville, Chariton County, Missouri
The information below the pictures was taken from our Tristram data base and from Marriage and Will records that Carol found while in Missouri. - Photos by Carol Linder
Two members of this family are buried in Clinton Cemetery, Clinton Township, Michigan

Photos 1 - 3: Erasmus Dowen Dodge was a descendent of Tristram Dodge of Block Island, and was born in Brunswick, Chariton Co., Missouri. His first wife was Martha Jane Gee by whom he had two children: John Joshua and Della M. Martha died in 1881, and in 1883, Erasmus married Laura Ella Tyson. Erasmus and Laura had 9 children

Photo 4: John Dowen Dodge, 24 Feb 1827 - 23 Feb 1892, was the father of Erasmus. He married Elmira Hise April 8, 1851 in the presence of John Hise and family, by F. L. Allen, Minister of the Baptit Church. John and Elmire had 7 children.

Photo 5:. Francis E. was a son of John Dowen. Mary Ann Sullivan was the wife of Francis.They were m. at Bynumville, Chariton Co., MO on AUg. 10, 1893 by W. H. Ramsey, a Justice of the Peace.  Mary Ann was evidently under the age of 18, and written consent of her parents was required
Photo 1: Gerald H. Dodge, July 11, 1904 - June 1, 1947, Father

Photo 2: John W. Dodge, Sept. 1868 - Nov. 1950: We do not know how John is connected to this family. John married Augusta Jahnke of Elreno, Territory of Oklahoma on July 7, 1900. They were married in Keytesville, Chariton Co., Missouri by J. M. DeMoss, Justice of the Peace

No Photo: We do not know how Miss Lucy Dodge of Clifton, Randolph Co., MO fits into this Dodge family, but she married John Canote of Salisbury, Chariton Co., MO at Clifton Hill, Randolph Co., MO on April 17, 1910 by George A. Lay, Justice of the Peace. Note: License applied and recorded in Chariton Co., but wedding took place in Randolph Co., MO.

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