The Dodge Family Association

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Sunnyside Cemetary, Bennington, New Hampshire
Photography by Larry Wert
Click on the photos to see larger view.

Bennington LIbrary Dedication, August 1906; Bennington Library today; History of Bennington Library

1.. Hulda, Wife of Geo Dodge Died May 5, 1817
2. S (Samuel) Gilman Dodge, 1821-1862; Corp. Co. D, 11th Reg. N.H.V. killed in the battlefield of Fredericksburg, VA. He was buried on the battlefield. He sacrificed his life for his Country. Lusina .S (Sawyer) Carr, His wife, 1822-1910. Their 5th child was born 1 month before Gilman died
3. Rodney Nichols 1826-1864, First Assistant Engineer U.S. Navy; Lenora J. Dodge, His wife, 1824-1892 Lenora was the sister of S. GIlman Dodge. She and Rodney had 7 children.
4. J. Gordon Dodge, 1881-1930; Dorothy, his wife 1897-1967; daughter, Nellie Margaret Perreault 1923-2003

1..Edward I. Dodge, 1845-1920; Adalett M. Burtt, His wife, 1846-1924; A. R. W. Burt 1818-1865; Hannah M. His Wife 1815-1876; Madison W., Their son 1852-1898
2. Children: Charlie 1851-1851; Georgette 1847-1855; Ada 1854-1855
3. George Dodge, died June 23, 1869

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