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Old Cemetery, Lyme, New Hampshire
Many stones are tipped and jostled by the roots of the trees but the grass is cut, the fences are upright and painted, and a tall white steeple rises from the Congregational church across the street. .

#1. Frederick Dodge died october 14, 1917, age 48. He was the son of Isaac Dodge and Elizabeth Blood. His stone states he died in New York. We do not know if he is actually buried here or if he was buried elsewhere. What was he doing in New York that he would have died there? We would love to know more. Alice Conant Dodge, his wife died April 30, 1828, age 53. (same stone)

2. Josiah Dodge died April 26, 1824, age 32. He was the son of Frederick and Alice Conant Dodge

3. Louisa Dodge died June 17, 1818, age 14. She was the daughter of Frederick and Alice Conant Dodge

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