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Evans Mills Cemetery, Jefferson County, New York
Photography by Tim Abel

#1. Joel Dodge b. 1761, s. of Daniel; Joel was a Revolutionary War Veteran
#2. Sarah Brewster wife of Joel
#3. Cyrus Dodge, s. of Joel and Sarah

A tragic story about Cyrus. Apparently, he was an innkeeper in Philadelphia, New York. On July 4th, 1829, in what has been described as an act of youthful wrecklessness, he and several others hastily loaded a canon in the village with powder, rocks, and dirt. When they lit the fuse, the canon exploded, killing Cyrus instantly.

Hough, Franklin B. 1854 History of Jefferson County in the State of New York from the
Earliest Period to the Present Time. Joel Munsell, Albany. Page 225.

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