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Greenwood Cemetery, New York
Photos taken by Dawn T. Crowley of New York
There are two more pages of photos from this cemetery. Photos by Stephen Dodge           Photos by Dawn Crowley
Read a memory of a visit to Greenwood Cemetery in 1857

Plot #07447
#1. Ezra Dodge Buried 18 April 1871 and H. E. Dodge (Ashes)

#2. Caroline Perkin wife of Edward Dodge d. at London, England, May 7th A.D. 1855 in the 38th yr. of her age.

#3, Clinton Alden son of Edward and Caroline p. Dodge Died at Venice, Italy June 9 A.D. 1852, Aged 16 years

#4. Edward Dodge b.November 14th 1812 D. October 8th 1877
Plot #07447
#1. Edward Dodge Aug. 25, 1867 - March 15, 1918
#2. Ida Barney Dodge, Wife of Edward, Oct. 8, 1866 - Sept. 18, 1931
#3. Jeannie Hall, wife of Harry E. Dodge, d. June 4th, 1874 Aged 29 years
"Come unto me and I will give you rest"

#4. Dodge Marker - Plot #15086
"> This marker and the following four photos are family members of aTristram Dodge line from Alexander F. Dodge
Plot 15086
#1. Alberta B. Dodge, 1871 - 1943
#2. Irving N. Dodge, 1863 - 1933
#3. Our Little Victor, 2 y. 5 m. 14 d.
#4.Edwin F. Dodge, Jr. 1921 - 1953
Plot 02770 - These family members belong to the Tristram Dodge line
Henrietta Despard, Wife of Richard J. Dodge, Born Feb. 24, 1813, Died May 26, 1874
Richard James Dodge, Born Jan 26, 1807, Died Aug. 2, 1891
Jane Ann Andrews, Wife of Richard J. Dodge, Born March 6, 1824, Died May 13, 1903
Augusta Clementina, Born May 23, 1845, Died Nov. 3, 1869
Henrietta Leonora, Wife of Chas McMillan, Born May 23, 1845, Died Jan 18, 1877
Daughters of R. J. Dodge
Emeline Amanda, Daughter of Daniel Dodge, Born Feb. 10, 1809, Died, Aug. 8, 1902
Susan Augusta, Daughter of Daniel Dodge, Wife of Richard Despard, Born Aug. 29, 1819, Died Jan. 18, 1887
Daniel Dodge, Born Dec. 14, 1764, Died April 2, 1841
Ann Turner, Wife of Daniel Dodge, Born Jan 6, 1776, Died Oct. 7, 1864
Sarah Addoms, Daughter of Daniel Dodge, Wife of Peter C. Oakley, Born Jan 19, 1904, Died Jan. 23, 1845
Frances Despard Dodge, January 14, 1868, March 15, 1942
His wife, Ella Patterson Dodge, February 8, 1866, May 25, 1944

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