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Middletown Cemetery, Middletown, Pennsylvania
Photography by William Dodge

A grandson of the Samuel and Louise who are buried here was Samuel Edward Dodge who played for the Boston Red Sox 1921-1922. He was born 19 Dec 1889
Also in this cemetery on a side of the same stone are: John W. Dodge died Feb 17, 1876, age 71 yrs. 10 mo & 22 Days (stone broken but repaired)
Esther Dodge died Jan 26, 1878 aged 74 years 10 mos. & 17 dy's
Justtine M. dau. of J. W. & Esther Dodge died Jan 1, 1819

The two photos on the left are of the same stone with one being a closer view. The same thing is true for the two stones on the right. These stones are for Samuel Dodge who died July 18, 1882 aged 53 years, 4 months, 12 days and Warren C. Dodge, son of Ithaneer (?) C. and Emily Dodge, died Sept. 15, 1863, age 9 years, 3 months. "Safe in the fold". Samuel was born 1 March 1829 and Louisa, his wife, whose stone is the last one on this page, was born 11 April 1835.
The first 3 photos are all for Alma J. born Oct. 5, 1859, Died July 11, 1892 and Warren C. born June 17, 1854 and died Sept 15, 1863.
The 4th photo was sent to us a long time ago. This is for Louisa Dodge, the wife of Samuel. She is also buried in this cemetery in Middletown. She died Dec. 11, 1870, aged 35 years and 8 months. Samuel was born 1 March 1829 and Louisa was born 11 April 1835.