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Photos from Block Island
To see fairly good quality photos, be sure to click on the thumbnails below which are considerably darker than the photos.
These photos and the text were provided by DFA member, Kay Masterson of California
Photos in color by Pat Gilmore

#1. This stone is in the large cemetery that overlooks much of the island. It is a marker up near the top of the cemetery that is in memory of Trustram's family.It reads:
1607 1683
Mariner Fisherman; Town Sergeant;Original Settler
Block Island 1661
Born in England
His wife, ANN DODGE
Their children: >John, Trustram, William, Israel, Margaret, Ann
#2.Near this spot House of TRUSTRAM DODGE, One of sixteen original settlers in 1661.
1614 Capt. Adrian Block landed and named this island Adriaen Block's Eylant.
1636 Capt. John Oldham killed by Indians. Col. John Endicott and ninety soldiers landed to punish Indians Start of Pequot Indian War
1688 French Fleet landed and plundered the island.

#3. Settlers rock is near the north end of the island, not far from the north lighthouse: It reads:
1661-1911. This stone was placed here September 2d AD 1911, by the citizens of New Shoreham to commemoratethe two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the purchase and settlement of Block Island, by the following named persons who landed at this point.
Original Settlers - Original purchasers

Thomas Terry; John Clarke; William Jud; Samuel Dearing; Simon Ray; William Tosh; Tormut Rose; William Barker; Daniel Cumball; William Cohoone; Duncan Mack Williamson; John Rathbun; Edward Vorce, Jun.; Trustram Dodge, Sen.; Nicholas White; William Billings; John Ackurs; Richard Billingum; Samuel Dearing; Nathaniel Winslow; Tormut Rose; Edward Voce; John Rathbun; Thomas Faxson; RIchard Allis; Phillip Warton; John Glover; Thomas Terry; James Sands; Hugh Williams; John Alcock; Peter George; Simon Ray
Settlers' Rock was rededicated for the TercentenialJune 17th AD 1961

#4. This memorial is on the southeast part of the island, in an out of the way spot along the road. It was putup by the Block Island Historical Society 1942. It reads:
FRESH POND, Elevation 78b ft; 1661; Here original settlers lived in caves and shelters; Site of first church 1772; Pastors; David Sprague, Thomas Dodge; Deacons: Oliver Dodge, Trustram Dodge
Nearby site of first school house. Windmill. Pound; Precious Spring; Indian Burying Hill #5. The stone marking the many seafaring pilots that came from this community.

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