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Post Mills Cemetery, Thetford, Vermont
Photography by Karen Proctor

#1. In memory of Adaline, daughter of Mr. Elipalet and Mrs. Mary Dodge who died April 2, 181?, aged 2 mos.
     Albert Eliphalet Dodge, Aug. 22, 1817 - Feb. 24, 1878
     His wife, Louisa Jepson Dodge, Sept. 19, 1818 - Mar 4, 1805
     Their son, George Peabody Dodge, Nov. 27, 1848 - Mar. 18, 1878
#3. Anna A. Dodge, July 1, 1881 - June 3, 1973, Leader, Teacher Friend
#4. Daniel Dodge born Jan. 5, 1808, died March 15, 1871
#1.Edward N. - Dec. 6, 1874 - Jan. 15, 1951
     Eliphalet S. Dodge, died Dec. 6, 1854, AE 77
     Mary C. wife of E. S. Dodge, died Apr. 2, 1867, AE 84
#4. Eliza R. Heaton, wife of Daniel Dodge born Apr. 10, 1811, died Dec. 1, 1888
#1. Florence G. , Sept. 21, 1875 - May 28, 1945
#2, #3 and 4. DODGE
     Jeremiah Dodge, born Feb. 11, 1813, died Nov. 6, 1861
     Sopia C. Dodge, born Sept. 16, 1814, died Aug. 21, 1867
     Harriet, died Dec. 23, 1837, AE. 11 das.
     Amelia G., died July 11, 1842, AR 2 ys. 3 mos.
     Daughters of Jeremish and Sophia Dodge.
     The last photo is of the actual stones for Harriet and Amelia
     George Dodge born Dec. 23, 1802, died May 22, 1889
     Octavia Dodge, born June 10, 1800 - died Oct. 24, 1881
     Harvey Dodge, died Aug. 28, 1912, AE 91 years
     Sarah J. Riley, wife of Harvey Dodge died March 12, 1880, AE 54 years
     Henry M. Dodge, 1858 - 1941
     His wife, Alice L. Low, 1860 - 1954
#4. Lucinda Wilcox, wife of Daniel Dodge, born Sept. 12, 1811, died June 1, 1863
#1. Oposite side of 4th stone in previous row:
     Smith G., died Feb. 11, 1850 AE 3 yrs. 4 mos.
     Mason Smith, died May 25, 1863, AE 12 yrs.
     Sons of Dan'l and L. W. Dodge
     Frances L. Dodge, 1841 - 1901
     Kate L. Dodge, 1838 - 1926
#3. Another side of the stone for Eliphalet Dodge that is pictured in the 1st row:
     Sophronia p. Dodge, Sept. 17, 1803 - March 25, 1895
     Amanda Dodge, Jan. 1826 - Sept. 1923
     William Dodge, M.D., 1815-1867
     Elizabeth Sanborn, His wife, 1818-1908
     Eva E. Dodge, wife of A. J. Elliott, 1856-1881
#1. William A. Dodge, May 21, 1843 - Nov. 15, 1903
     Frances Niles, his wife, Apr. 7, 1840 - Jan 16, 1911
#2. William Goss, Aug. 31, 1907
     Marion Mortensen, April 30, 1908 - Nov. 16, 1986
#3. DODGE - Opposite side of stone for William Goss.

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