The Dodge Family Association

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Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
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Ancestor Search is a FREE site dedicated to helping those who have connections in the United Kingdom. It also links to organizations such as ours that provide genealogy information. is the website of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Based in Boston, NEHGS was founded in 1845 and is the country's oldest and largest genealogical society. For any user, the website offers discussion forums, helpful "how-to" articles, an online store, research service information, and resources for planning a visit to the NEHGS library in Boston. NEHGS members receive increased benefits, including access to databases with over 80 million names, and much more. If you are interested in tracing your New England family history, then your first stop should be
Stebbins Ancestral Society website.

Desendants of John Fairfield of Wenham, Massachusetts
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Home | Archive News | Association | Coat of Arms | DNA Project | Biographies | Dodge Publishing | Cemetery Headstones
Genealogy | Genealogy Requests | The Canadian Connections | World Dodges | Historical Archives | Land Patent Records
Links | Membership | Military - Those who fought for their country | Dodge Journals | Journal Index | Obituaries | Old Documents
Old Wills from England | Our Roots | Photographs | Personnel | Preservation | Research | Reunions | Talented Dodges| This N' That
Tours | Tour Photos | Vital Records | Wills, Deeds and Probates | What's New | Email Virus Warnings: are they Hoaxes or Real?
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