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Mr. C. Albion Dodge - Oct. 1, 1886

Sudden Death:

On October lst. l886, Mr. C. Albion Dodge, of Cascade,departed this life aged thirty-five years, lacking one week.

The death of Mr. Dodge was very sudden and entirely without any premonition. He retired to bed at his usual hour in the evening, feeling as well as common, when at about three o'clock in the morning, his wife lying by his side, was startled by the sudden and convulsive straightening of the limbs of her husband, his utterance of a groan and an ominous rattling to the throat.

Failing to rally him, Mrs. Dodge hastily struck a light, and viewing her husband's face, saw, to her terror and grief, that, to all appearance, he was dead. A physician was hastily summoned and after an examination of the still and unconscious form, the worst fears of the now alarmed and stricken household were confirmed. The physician gave it as his opinion that the case was one of heart disease.

The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus B. Dodge, of Haverhill, Olmstead County, this county. (Minnesota)

Nearly four years since was united in marraige with Miss Nancy Stone, step-daughter of Mr. Harry Dodge, and at whose residence the young couple had for some time past made their home. Mr. Dodge, the subject of this article, was an honorable, upright and industrious man, a loving and faithful husband, a tender and affectionate father, son and brother. He was tenderly endeared to the now stricken family circle and highly esteemed and respected in the community. His death, so sudden and unexpected, in the price of active, manhood years, a sad and crushing stroke to the bereaved widow and darling boy, the aged parents and loving brothers, who survive him.

The funeral was attended by a large concourse of sympthizing friends and neighbors at the late residence, on Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Cowgill officiating. The following lines were composed by the bereaved mother, in memory of her departed loved one:
Again death's angel visits us,
To bear, with tender hand,
One more dearly loved one
To the spirit land.

Silently the messenger
Passed the door at night,
And bore his gentle spirit
To the realms of light.
Farewell, dear Ally, we shall meet
On that golden shore,
Where no more sorrows e'er will come
And partings are no more.
In this connection the afflicted family desire to return their sincere and heartfelt thanks to their friends, and neighbors for their symnpathy and tender, kindly assistance in this season of their sad bereavement.

Related Obituary:
Mrs. Eliza Dodge, wife of the late Cyrus B. Dodge, passed away at 2 o'clock this morning at her home in Haverhill township. She has been suffering from cancer for more than a year. Mrs. Dodge was a sister of C.H. Crane of the city and she is also survived by several brothers living in Vermont and Massachusetts. Of her sons, Elmer E. Dodge resides in Olmsted county, Herbert Dodge in Hector, Minn., and Emerson Dodge in Minneapolis. Mrs. Dodge's husband died a few years ago. She is well known in that part of the county where she resided, but the sorrow of death is mitigated by the fact that she is out of suffering.

The funeral will be held at the Fitch school house at 2 o,clock tomorrow afternoon. Rev. Frank Doran will officiate. The remains will be laid to rest beside those of her husband.

Note: Eliza Dodge was the mother of C. Albion Dodge. Albion was a brother of Emerson Dodge.

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