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Dodge's from St. Paul, Minnesota
from the Photo Album of Samuel Wakefield Eastman's and Emma Cooledge.
Ethiel Dodge married Jennie Leyde Dec. 27, 1884.
Also in the famly were surnames of Esterling, Eastman, Cooledge, Boley and Parks.
This is a Tristram Dodge line descending from David Britain Dodge's son, Ossian Euclid Dodge, Sr.
There are SO MANY unidentified photos here. Can you help with the identification?

Coleman C. Dodge, son of Ethiel Dodge (brother of Ossian E. Dodge, Jr.) and his wife Jennie Leyde.
The 2nd photo is of Coleman Dodge and an unknown boy.
Ethel, Gracie, Coleman Dodge. Since Ossian, JR. & Ethiel seem to be the only offspring of Ossian E. Dodge Sr. to go to St. Paul Minnesota, that must be why the children (cousins) are prictured together. Ethiel John Dodge, born January 1883 in Minnesota the son of Ossian E. Dodge, Jr. and his wife Johanna and Ethiel's sister Gracie L. Dodge, born February 1889 in Minnesota.

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