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John and Eliza Dodge
(Carlton, Ephriam, Ebenezer, Phineas, John, John, Richard)
The photos on this page were contributed by Mary J. R. Gilchrist

Tired of struggling with the cold on the prairie, John and Eliza Dodge took their sons Charles E. Dodge and Carlton Dodge to the Los Angeles area, supposedly Glenwood, California.

John's brother Boynton, whose family stayed behind in Iowa, had come to Iowa from Henniker, New Hampshire in the 1850's. Boynton walked all the way from New Hampshire to Iowa. He brought with him a supply of sewing materials, thread, needles, to barter in exchange for lodging and food. He thought that carrying money would invite robbery.

If you think you might be descended from one of the sons of John and Eliza Dodge,
Carlton or Charlie, and you are interested in stories or pictures, let us know.

The two brothers,Carlton Allen Dodge and Charles Ellsworth Dodge, the sons of John Winter Dodge and his wife, Eliza Smith Dodge. Charles Ellsworth Dodge as a young man Charlie Dodge. This is Charles E. Dodge in proably his teen years.
Ephriam Dodge, b. July 12, 1772 in Newburyport, Essex Co., Massachusetts and d. June 2, 1862 in Henniker, New Hampshire Eliza Smith Dodge b. in Exira, Iowa, and married John Winter Dodge, May 5, 1860 in Exira. Evelena "Dena" Dodge b 1866 in Exira, Iowa and died 1948 in Exira. She married a Mr. Statzell and then a Mr. Williams. The photo was taken in a Boston studio where Dena went east to normal school in the Boston area, living with her mother's brother who had a boarding house in Charlestown. Dena's grandaughter identified this photo.
If you have any more information on any of these people or if they are your ancestors, please let us know. Contact The Dodge Family Association

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