The Dodge Family Association

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Buildings associated with Dodges
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Donald D. Dodge stumbled across this sprawling, Federal style house ticked on a Phippsburg backwater below Bath, Maine, in 1925. It was built by a ship captain, Thomas McCobb, and designed to be "the most beautiful house in Maine". Read about the moving of this house to Donald's oceanfront property on Deadman Point in Rockport. Your browser should have a way to zoom in so that you can easily read the text.
This beautiful home was built by Clark Dodge who was a merchant and one of the founders of the First National Bank, Boonville, New York. He was the son of Daniel Dodge and Polly Wheeler who moved to Boonville from New Hampshire. This family descends from Richard Dodge. Clark's son, Eugene Dodge, sold the house in 1894 to Charles W. Pratt. Charles's son, Walter, left the house to his cousin, Hazel Northam. When she died, the house was willed to the Erwin Library whose board decided it should be preserved and used for a community and arts center for Boonville and the vicinity. It is now the Dodge-Pratt-Northam Art and Community Center in Boonville, New York.
The Thomas Dodge House and its outbuildings have been listed on the National and State Registers of Historic Places since 1886. It is also a designated landmark of the Town of North Hempstead's Historic Landmark Preservation Commission.
The original mill was built by the John Crawford Dodge family of the Tristram line. John married a Dodge from the Richard Dodge line thus merging the two Dodge lines.

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